Hello --- Yes im a newbie!

Discussion in 'Majorgeeks Welcome Center' started by linzleel, Mar 11, 2007.

  1. linzleel

    linzleel Private E-2

    Hello everyone i've got a problem.....I used to be computer savy, but with how quickly everything changes i have lost touch. I am currently looking to upgrade my computer because i found World of warcraft. I seem to lag alot when im on there and i know its probably because my computer needs to be revamped. I currently have a MSI motherboard model km4am-v, 1Gb of DDR 2700 memory, what i believe is a 128mb nvidia graphics card, and a 75 Gig harddrive with over 50% of space left. I am now noticing all this DDR2, DDR3 and DDR4. Im sure i need to step my computer (of which i previously built) up to one of these, but i really don't know where to start?!?! I guess i am just looking for someone who might help me to get started in the right direction....Which should i choose? Which is the best? What should i choose so i don't lag all the time while on World of Warcraft? If anyone has any ideas i would greatly appreciate it!! Thanks all!!!!
  2. Major Attitude

    Major Attitude Co-Owner MajorGeeks.Com Staff Member

    A 256 meg video card would help. I play Wow frequently and found a 1-2 gig upgrade helped a lot.
  3. Tourangh

    Tourangh Master Sergeant

    Ive ran WoW on 512 mb of ram and Intel integrated graphics without a problem lol.
  4. Lev

    Lev MajorGeek

    W2MGs :)
  5. wildwolf220

    wildwolf220 Oracle of Doom

    welcome to MG's...
  6. AndreasWu

    AndreasWu Private E-2

    Hi, I am a noob @ MG 2 ;)

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