
Discussion in 'Majorgeeks Welcome Center' started by Larry Jones, Aug 26, 2006.

  1. Larry Jones

    Larry Jones Private E-2

    Just need a little help. On start up screen says: DNS BUFFER LENGTH >=1024. It is a warning icon. lj
  2. matt.chugg

    matt.chugg MajorGeek

    Welcome to majorgeeks!

    That message doesn't really tell us much. (Accept that whoever wrote the program that is throwing the error only allocated 1024 bytes in the buffer for a dns lookup or something, but the error message would indicate the error has been handled.)

    What program is it in relation to ?
  3. Larry Jones

    Larry Jones Private E-2

    This is a window that popped up on bootup of cpu. It does not say anything other than DNS BUFFER LENGTH>=1024. I may not be a problem but how do I get it to stop. Also below it shows: dns_int
  4. Larry Jones

    Larry Jones Private E-2

    DNS problem

    On bootup, cpu shows: ! DNS BUFFER LENGTH>=1024. Dont know if this is a problem, but how do I remove it. lj
  5. matt.chugg

    matt.chugg MajorGeek

    Without knowing what the prorgram is that is doing it, its hard to give advice.

    What programs do you have running at startup.

    What does the title bar of the message box say ?
  6. Larry Jones

    Larry Jones Private E-2

    Ref: DNS buffer length>=1024. The title is: dns_int
  7. matt.chugg

    matt.chugg MajorGeek

    Do you run outpost firewall ?

    Check your DNS plugin settings. (I don't have outpost firewall so don't know where this setting is. You will need to consult the documentation)

    The settings you need are:

    # of records: 100

    # of days: 7
  8. Colemanguy

    Colemanguy MajorGeek

    Is this before windows boots, or after. If before might be that your computer is trying to boot via the network and recieving errors. If after may try, this in the command prompt, netsh winsock reset, if windows sp2.
  9. Larry Jones

    Larry Jones Private E-2

    I Resolved The Problem. I Removed The Outpost Firewall And Replaced It With Syngate Firewall. This Is In Reference To The Dns Buffer Length Problem. I've Never Had A Problem With Outpost Before Now. Its Always Done Its Job. Thanks For Your Help.:) :)

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