
Discussion in 'Majorgeeks Welcome Center' started by BakaRed, Feb 25, 2008.

  1. BakaRed

    BakaRed Private E-2

    My name is Natsuko.
    I stumbled across this place during one of my many Google searches for help. I usually have many problems so I figured I could join and maybe get some help. I'm not very good with computers at all, I mean sometimes I even cry when I get a virus I just can't handle, haha.

    Thank you for having me
    Onegai shimasu~
  2. legalsuit

    legalsuit Legal Eagle

    Welcome to MG...lots of helpful people in the "Help and Technical Support" Forums, so wander off there if ever you have problems.:)

    Also check into the "Lounge" for a chat:wave


  3. wildwolf220

    wildwolf220 Oracle of Doom

    :wave and welcome to MG's Natsuko.

    you have come to the right place;)

    hope you enjoy the forums:)
  4. MTHall51

    MTHall51 Specialist

    Natsuko San,

    Hajimemashite dozo yoro shiku.

    Watakushi no namae wa Maiku desu.

    Sorry, but my Nihongo study was so long ago I forgot almost everything. Took semester of Japanese in college, and taught English one summer in Tokyo. I love the history, culture and people of Japan. It is a pleasure to have you here.

    This is one of the most friendly and helpful websites around.

    Annata no tomodachi,
    Maiku --My name is Mike, but Maiku is as close as I can translate. So out of practice that I can't even remember how to write in Hirgana. Never did learn Kanji.

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