
Discussion in 'Majorgeeks Welcome Center' started by 2-Bit-Geek, Apr 17, 2008.

  1. 2-Bit-Geek

    2-Bit-Geek Sergeant

    I thought i'd better say hello :)
    Because i'm such a nice guy and all that.
    Ive used this site before for aquiring useful software and I thought i'd join up.
    I need a few issues resolved as you will no doubt see. :p

    I only have one problem with my user opetions, I wanted to put my PC spec in for a signature (as a lot of people do) and it would seem I cannot as you can only use 2 lines. :confused

    I built my current PC myself and I want ppl to know what I have.... so far.:D
    Thats all for my hello then.

  2. lbmest

    lbmest MajorGeek

    Welcome to MGs 2-Bit-Geek.:major
    The 2 line limit on sigs came about last year I believe in a forum software upgrade.
    The longer sigs are from members that had it before the upgrade and have not changed it since.
  3. shanemail

    shanemail Fold On

    Welcome to Major Geeks :major
  4. wildwolf220

    wildwolf220 Oracle of Doom

    :wave and welcome to MG's..

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