
Discussion in 'Majorgeeks Welcome Center' started by confusedmother, Mar 6, 2009.

  1. confusedmother

    confusedmother Private E-2

    Just to start with, I hardly know what I am doing, so am sorry if this sounds confusing. My son, after getting a virus (fake virus detection) instead of running all the malware, spy stuff, virus scans he restarted computer, used F8 went to safe mode and then wanted to restore back to an earlier day but instead went to last known good configuration. He isn't sure what he did next but I know have a computer that if I let it open normally has the virus up and running quickly on the desktop picture. I can get the virus to stop running with the ctrl alt delete buttons, and then go to task manager, but then all I have is the desktop picture with nothing else -- no icons, nothing. If I start it in safe mode the same happens with task manager, but with a black safe mode screen. The only way I can shut down is the hold down the button, which gives me the options of restart, shutdown etc.

    If I go to recovery console or last known good configuration it says:

    1: D:\I386
    2: D:\MiniNT
    3: C:\Windows

    which windows installation would you like to log onto<to cancel, press ENTER>?

    I think he might have gone to safe mode with command prompt. I don't know any command prompts. Can someone tell me, in very simple language, how to get back to the original so I can run the virus, etc, scans.

    And of course, I'm not using the computer I'm talking about.
  2. TimW

    TimW MajorGeeks Administrator - Jedi Malware Expert Staff Member

    You need to go to the Malware forum and follow the instructions here:
    READ & RUN ME FIRST. Malware Removal Guide

    You will need to use ctrl - alt - del to open task manage and start "new process" and type explorer.exe

    And welcome to MG's. :)
  3. indyattic

    indyattic Corporal

    Hey Confused Mother! THat's how I started here - a confused Mom with a virus.

    This is an amazing site.
  4. confusedmother

    confusedmother Private E-2

    I tried it and it worked.

    Sorry it took so long to get back to you. I'm still trying to figure this site out.

  5. Kestrel13!

    Kestrel13! Super Malware Fighter - Major Dilemma Staff Member

    Greetings, Confusedmother :wave

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