
Discussion in 'Majorgeeks Welcome Center' started by knobster, Oct 4, 2009.

  1. knobster

    knobster Private E-2

    I've used this site a few times for info so I thought I'd register and maybe lend a hand from time to time.

    Been working in the security and IT field for about 16 years. Presently working for a large security vendor assisting enterprise customers with their deployments. I've got a ton of useless certifications and a B.S. in IT and M.S. in Information Assurance. What does this mean? Means I have a lot of student loans to pay off. :(

    Anyways, looking forward to contributing and learning new things from some of the folks in here.

  2. LauraR

    LauraR MajorGeeks Super-Duper Administrator Staff Member

    Welcome to MGs :)

    Jump in where ever you can help out. It's always much appreciated.
  3. bigtrucks

    bigtrucks MajorGeek

    Welcome Knobster, and so is your knowledgeLOL This is a great place to get help and give help .
    Have a look around and help when you think you can with the exception of the malware forum as only the top fighters are allowed to reply to the post there. You may post there if you think you have malware but judging by you post , You work in securities so I don't think you will be posting there anytime soon.:-D.
    It's good to see another IT join as that means more help for those of us who stand or sit , in line waiting for a reply to our tech problems.rolleyes Check out the rest of the place as you will find it's more then just techy talk here. We have many others who are just as helpful with other things.
    I'm sure they will be a long soon to welcome you to MajorGeeks Place. Enjoy.

    btw here's your first test" http://forums.majorgeeks.com/images/misc/navbits_finallink.gif This person thought they had corrected the problem but now it just happened again. If you choose to take this quest and pass you will be bombarded with more questions from others. If you pass up the quest you will probably still be bombarded with questions once they find out you are an IT.:-D Just Kidding. Just relax and enjoy the place.;)
  4. Fred_G

    Fred_G Heat packin' geek

    Welcome to MajorGeeks! :-D
  5. knobster

    knobster Private E-2

    Thanks for the warm welcome folks.

    To be clear, I'm not in IT anymore and haven't been (thankfully) for the past 6 years. For the past 6 years, I've been working, first in corporate security doing digital investigations and currently I work for a major security (think malware company) vendor doing customer support.

    If I can help with any malware, please let me know. This is what I do for a living now.
  6. TeeCee

    TeeCee MajorGeek

    Welcome to MG, knobster:wave Glad you could join us... You can jump in anyplace except for the Malware thread, unfortunately, only the Malware Team :p gets to reply to the posts in Malware.... Our Malware Team is #1, but I am sure one of them will be in touch with you ;) There is always a need for more help..
  7. wildwolf220

    wildwolf220 Oracle of Doom

    :wave and welcome..

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