help! blue screen error

Discussion in 'Software' started by pinkster, Mar 7, 2007.

  1. pinkster

    pinkster Private E-2

    Hi, i got some new hardware (mother, cpu, ram, hd) and after installing everything im getting some blue screen errors from time to time, they arent too often but they bother.

    This is what i get from the screen:


    Stop 0x0000007A (0xE18E98C8, 0xC0000185, 0xBF9100E, 0x1A415860)
    win32k.sys Address BF91000E base at BF800000 datestamp 43446a58

    im on xp sp2 (up to date), athlon x2 4200+, 1gb dual chan, m2npv-vm mobo, WD 320gb sata2.

    Any more info needed just ask.
  2. pinkster

    pinkster Private E-2

    ok, after i posted my first messange i started Battlefield installation and i got the blue error screen again, but this time with a different error message:

    Stop: 0x00000077 (0xC0000185, 0xC0000185, 0x00000000, 0x0079F000)

    i dunno if all that hexadecimal stuff is of any help..
    any help is REALLY appreciate
  3. studiot

    studiot MajorGeek

    This error is usually assocaited with memory problems.
    Three things to do
    Firstly review your memory types. Is it all the same type or have you 'picked and mixed' ? There may be a conflict between old and new timing wise.
    Secondly when you are satisfied with the memory installed experiment with the settings in BIOS - different BIOSes offer different levels of control.
    Thirdly download and run a memory tester from MG.Leave it running several hours for a proper test.

    Post the results when done.

    Studio T
  4. pinkster

    pinkster Private E-2

    Memories are both the same brand and model (SuperTalent DDR-2 512 MB PC-6400 to make dual channel.
    The bios options are all in default options and im not sure what to change there.
    I made ram tests with Memtest86+ and Microsoft Memory Diagnostic both for a couple of hours without any error...
    Also a full test of my hard drive with WD testing tool, no errors..

  5. studiot

    studiot MajorGeek

    You didn't report the available settings in BIOS to do with your RAM and I don't know what your motherboard or |BIOS is!

    So look for 'latency' settings and as I said experiment. That is note the setting, change it and see what happens. It'll either get better or worse, like the Doctor said.

    Look also for a timing setting called sync rather than 'optimal'

    I posted at 1800 my time and you reposted at 1850 my time having run the memory test for a couple of hours?

    Studio T
  6. pinkster

    pinkster Private E-2

    No no, the first thing i did when i saw the blue screen error was a memtest, a week ago, with two different tools and both for a couple of hours.
    A question about mem, i use onboard video card and it uses 256mb of ram and it seems that when doing the mem test the programs scan only 768mb of memory, so they dont scan all the memory. Maybe the problem is in those 256mb and as they cant be tested... dunno, what you think?

    My motherboard is an an Asus M2NPV-VM Product Page link and Manual link.
    In page 70 of the manual you can see the avalible options in the bios config.

    Thanks for your quick response
  7. Yargwel

    Yargwel MajorGeek

  8. pinkster

    pinkster Private E-2

    I readed all microsoft articles about the issue but the seem to be all too general about the problem and dont offer a specific solution to it.
  9. pinkster

    pinkster Private E-2

    up up up!
  10. studiot

    studiot MajorGeek

    You are quite right there are a lot of settings! I'm afraid you will need to do some experimentation as you are on the edge of performance capability. Are you overclocking?

    I suggest recording existing settings then starting with the following settings

    page 69 installed memory size record value
    usable memory size record value

    page 71 Overclock disabled
    voltage control auto

    page 73 tcl =5
    trcd =5
    1T/2T = 2T
    memory hole disabled
    config options record value
    bottom 32 bit record value
    bottom UMA record value

    AMD cool n quiet disabled

    page 74 frame buffer disabled

    If this works you can squeeze some exra performance if it will also work at

    p73 1T/2T=1

    let us know how you get on nad post the values.

    Studio T
  11. kjb125

    kjb125 Private First Class

    My Blue Screen error only happened from time to time also, my problem ended up being Video Card Drivers!! (my computer was only 6 months old)...I would try to update any/all your drivers!
  12. pinkster

    pinkster Private E-2

    Well, i uninstalled and installed a different video driver and problem still persists. So video card is discarted.

    Bios config didnt solve the problem neither...

    My instinct tells me that it is a problem with sata... because many times the problem occur is at high hd usage.
    My xp install wasnt conventional because i dont have a floppy drive, so i couldnt load the sata drivers to install normally. My workaround was to install kubuntu first and then xp, it did work that way...

    Could that be the problem? any idea?
  13. studiot

    studiot MajorGeek

    The bios settings I gave were taken directly from the memory manufacturer's spec sheet. However you sometimes have to vary them a little bit. I asked for the values but you did not post them. What happened when you changed the 1T/2T setting ? This should have made a big difference.

    Have you considered that the memory might be faulty? I suggest you email the manufacturer , including the details of your settings. They offer an impressive sounding guarantee.

    I can't help further without the details I requested.

    Studio T
  14. pinkster

    pinkster Private E-2

    I changed the BIOS settings to the values you told me.

    Forgot to post this values:

    installed memory size = 1024mb
    usable memory size = was 786mb now it is 960mb as i lowed the vid card mem from 256mb to 64mb to test.

    bottom 32 bit = D0
    bottom UMA = FC

    About the 1T/2T i tried both but didnt notice any big difference.. now it is set to 2T.
    Last edited: Mar 11, 2007
  15. studiot

    studiot MajorGeek

    It takes a finite amount of time for the various control and data signals to travel up and down the lines within the memory modules. Not only this but all the address lines have to be present simultaneously as do all the data lines, even though the path lengths vary depending upon where the cell is. That is what the number settings are all about -- to bring the various components into synchronisation. Of course the faster you go the more onerous the requirements are.

    you memory website specifies the first four of these as 5 5 5 15. In general the higher the number the more relaxed the specification so try 6 6 6 16 etc, until you find a workble solution, you have lots of choice on your mobo, or email the manufacturer as suggested.

    The T part refers to the number of clock cycles before the memory can accept the next request, so 2 is easier than 1 again, but slower.

    The system seems to be recognising all the memory so it should just be a question of getting the timings right. Once you have done that you can start renabling the extra features of your board such as the AMD silent running etc.

    Studio T

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