Help Gaining Access To Old Account Profile

Discussion in 'Majorgeeks Welcome Center' started by montecarlo1987, Jul 7, 2020.

  1. montecarlo1987

    montecarlo1987 Private First Class

    Hello LauraR:

    Nice to meet you! I need your help! I hope I have the right person as the title to this forum at your Welcome Center is an appropriate place, I thought I would begin to seek help. This is a long story and I will try not to diverge from my point here. Let me get right into it now.

    Tonight (July 7th, 2020), I have decided to rejoin your online forum after many years of not belonging to (Sorry!) ...but it is never a bad time to rejoin. :) Here is the thing. I was a former member of MajorGeeks a long time ago under an old account. Not completely sure what the associated e-mail address I had with my former forum account, I entered my currently active e-mail address at signup with your forum. I pretended that I lost my password and selected it be sent to my current e-mail address, so this way I would request a new password and have access once again to my forum account. The response back once the request was submitted is that there is no account associated with my currently active e-mail address. Then I knew the forum account was under my older non-functional deleted no fault of my own e-mail account. was deleted after the Edward Snowden case (Recall, worked for the NSA?) where Mr. Snowden was using his e-mail account to conceal his physical location due to's world-class encryption from the US Federal Government in 2013. What happened is the US Government (specifically, the NSA) wanted's SSL encryption keys to access Mr. Snowden's e-mails. What resulted was the entire dismantling and shutdown of all and their thousands of customers' accounts (including me) literally overnight. I instantly lost complete access to my account in 2013. So there is no way I can access an e-mail sent from your server a password reset to my former e-mail as it no longer exists. Yes, is up and running since this debacle, but it is a much different company and I have never re-joined up with them since this debacle. How do I know my forum account under my e-mail is still active with you? I discovered by doing another password reset using my old deleted e-mail account address to send that the recovery password message to. Your system indicated the recovery password message was successfully sent to that old deleted e-mail account. So you still have my old account. However, that recovery password message is now lost in cyberspace. Therefore, I created a new account with and even tried using my old username I had with my old former forum account at sign up but received a message from your system that it was already used -- Yes, it's me. So I had to alter the username for this new MajorGeeks forum account a little so your system would accept my new account. It is the same person, me!

    What I would like to do, is get access to my old former forum account. Yes, I just created a new account now with you. I see I more or less had to create a new forum account in order to get access to someone of authority (like a forum administrator) internally within this forum to ask for help. I would like to have my former forum account connected to this e-mail address I have used when I created my new forum account I just created here. Please help me. I have left out details as to my username and e-mail address for security purposes as this posting is public. You can, however, decipher and figure this data of mine out as you have access to my internal account being a forum administrator unlike regular members here on this forum.

    Please reply and please help me get access to my older former forum account. If you need more details or have questions, you can contact me here or my new e-mail address you have access to.

    Please reply soon. Thank you!
  2. LauraR

    LauraR MajorGeeks Super-Duper Administrator Staff Member


    You should be set. I found the account and merged them and changed the email address to the gmail one you had listed on the newer account. Please reply to my email if you have any issues.
    DavidGP likes this.
  3. DavidGP

    DavidGP MajorGeeks Forum Administrator - Grand Pooh-Bah Staff Member

    Awesome brill Laura, Monte I hope this all works and do let us know?
  4. LauraR

    LauraR MajorGeeks Super-Duper Administrator Staff Member

    He's good to go, David. :) He emailed me that he was able to change his password and log in.
    DavidGP likes this.
  5. DavidGP

    DavidGP MajorGeeks Forum Administrator - Grand Pooh-Bah Staff Member

    Fantastic, thanks Laura.

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