Help! Hp Laptop Goes To Hp Logo, Turning Circle, Then Grey. How Can I Fix It?

Discussion in 'Software' started by ARTFULLOFHEART, Dec 22, 2020.



    Help! HP laptop goes to HP logo, turning circle, then grey. How Can I fix it?
    Turned on Laptop, Went to blue screen with HP Logo and small turning white dotted circle.
    Then went grey. This has all my husband's songs he wrote in the last 5 years, all his and my artwork ...about 1000 images.
    I've save some over time to a few flash drives, but 1/2 songs and 1/2 artwork and all 800 images put on in last 6 months for insurance proof still there.
    I'm using my old Windows 7 desktop PC to try and find answers and post on this forum.

    Did: turn off, remove cords, take out battery.....hard reset,
    - System Diagnostics ...Start up test- all Passed....System Tune-Up (3hr) all Passed
    - Hard Disk Test Quick (5min)- all Passed

    Tried- Control Alt Delete....Windows logo + B.....Turn On & tap F8, F9, F10...Turn on & tap Escape, Turn on and tap Delete.
    Lots of other things to many to mention. I'm 70 and have slightly below average PC skills.

    Problem started when I tried System Restore (which has save me many a time) but it was still going 6 hours later so I turned off the laptop.
    Tried a few things from YouTube and finally screen just went to HP logo, spinning little circle, then grey.

    I CAN get to the Insyde H20 Set up Utility Screen with Main, System Configuration and Security and was hoping to find "Last Known Good Configuration" or possibly System Restore again? as it said Boot Options. Couldn't find Last Known Good ....or System Restore and tried a few things from forums to Legacy .
    Nothing helped. I've been trying for 4 days and am in tears. How can I fix it and get it going again.
    Only thing I haven't tried is to re seat the RAM?
    Windows 8.1

    HP 2000 Notebook PC Product No. C2N29UA#ABL Serial No. 5CG3083CNZ

    Born 03/31/2013 System Board ID 188B Product Configuration ID 088B1100003059

    System Board CT No. PCUZLOOWD4D4OP BIOS Version F.10

    Processor Type AMD E2-1800 APU with Radeon (tm) HD Graphics

    Processor Speed 17000MHz Memory 4 GB

    Primary Battery SN 11463 01/29/2013


    Did: turn off, remove cords, take out battery.....hard reset,

    System Diagnostics ...Start up test- all Passed....System Tune-Up (3hr) all Passed

    Hard Disk Test Quick (5min)- all Passed

    Tried- Control Alt Delete....Windows logo + B.....Turn On & tap F8, F9, F10...Turn on & tap Escape, Turn on and tap Delete.
    Lots of other things to many to mention. Thank you, Ann
  2. Earthling

    Earthling Interplanetary Geek

    If you or a friend feels capable of taking the back cover off and removing the 2.5" hard drive then you will be able to recover your files with the help of your Win 7 PC and a 2.5" SATA USB hard drive enclosure, widely available at Amazon etc or computer repair shops. If you decide to try this just make sure you discharge any static by touching something metallic before touching anything in the laptop. Your Win 7 will be able to read and copy all files on the drive but may or may not have any software needed by your files.

    This approach is the simplest and surest way to deal with your problem rather than attempting to repair Windows but if others can suggest repairs using a bootable USB to get the laptop going again you might prefer that.
    Just Playin likes this.
  3. foogoo

    foogoo Major "foogoo" Geek

    Just for the heck of it plug in an external display. From what you're saying the screen works in BIOS, I had a coworker bring one in like that, it was attempting to display to an external monitor.

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