Help please...vundo virus & random pop ups

Discussion in 'Majorgeeks Welcome Center' started by Jazz88, Dec 25, 2008.

  1. Jazz88

    Jazz88 Private E-2 name is Jasmine!

    I started getting random pop ups/windows the other day. I tried running McAfee, Malwarebytes and RegScrub (not at the same time) to determine the source of this problem. However, none of these programs have been able to successfully locate the virus and remove it from my laptop. If anyone could help it would be GREATLY APPRECIATED!!!

    Further information that may help....

    I have a Lenovo Laptop that was purchased 3 years ago. I run Windows XP and I use Mozilla Firefox. And as stated above, McAfee, Malewarebytes and RegScrub are the anti-virus/spyware programs I have installed. Lastly, when I've run these programs they've located several Trojans and Vundo viruses.

    Thank you in advance!

  2. ctulu

    ctulu Private E-2

    if you are not too scare you can try the unlocker program to delete them from the root folder, and since you know where the viruses are, it should not be that hard. Another way is to try the trojan remover utility, its easy to find, you just got to google it up. If all that scares you try a new antivirus and while installing keep still "evaluating the product" and after you can uninstall it if want, but you shoul rellly try to upgrade your antivirus with a newone that provides you with a firewall.
  3. :wave:)Hello and welcome to the forum,you should wait for one of the official Malware Fighters ,Who incidently are run off their feet and will get to you shortly just wait and someone will attend you.....:cool:)

    Maximus Relaximus......:major
  4. Kestrel13!

    Kestrel13! Super Malware Fighter - Major Dilemma Staff Member

    Hi Jazz88 and welcome to majorgeeks :wave

    We have our very own malware removal forum here you should ensure that before making a new post in malware removal that you go through all the procedures outlined in the Read and Run Me First and once you have done so, THEN go into the malware removal forum, make a new post and upload the 4 requested logs. One of us will get back to you as soon as we possibly can.

  5. Kestrel13!

    Kestrel13! Super Malware Fighter - Major Dilemma Staff Member

    @ ctulu ...welcome to the forums :wave

  6. Ctulu...Hello:wave And a warm welcome to the Forum...:wave:)

  7. Jazz88

    Jazz88 Private E-2

    Hi Kestrel13!,

    Shortly after posting this thread, I realized that it was posted under the wrong forum, so I posted another thread under Malware. So I have two threads, under two forums, but they basically are the same. However, the thread under the Malware forum does not contain the 4 requested logs. How would I go about retrieving them. Again, thank you and sorry for the inconvenience.
  8. Kestrel13!

    Kestrel13! Super Malware Fighter - Major Dilemma Staff Member

    The only difference being this is just the welcome centre so nothing regarding malware can be discussed here ideally. Any further questions you have must be asked in your thread you created in the malware removal section. However, I will help you to start off:

    Concerning the 4 requested logs, as long as you have been through all of the Read and Run Me First you should then have the logs we request. Those being:

    • SUPERAntiSpyware
    • Malware Bytes Anti-Malware
    • Combofix

    And the "Read and Run me First" explains all about how to retreive those logs.

    Kindest regards
    Kes :wave

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