Help Please

Discussion in 'Majorgeeks Welcome Center' started by TrndAssassin, Jun 6, 2006.

  1. TrndAssassin

    TrndAssassin Private E-2

    Well im not exactly new here but its been forever since ive been on this site, im here because I have a very annoying issue that I need fixed
    I have yahoo, and I have msn
    Both messenging programs
    I use them both
    Some how My Ex has managed to figure out a way to kick me off my messenger while im on it, and take it over and talk to whoever I was talking to. This has been messing up Buisiness deals, and my current relationship. I have created new messenger accounts and changed passwords and nothing solves the problem. My ex still manages to do the same thing. She also managed to do this to my Fiance's computer, and every account my fiance uses, she is trying to break my fiance and I up. I dont understand how a girl half way across the united states is able to hack both my msn messenger and yahoo messenger, and my fiance's can anyone help me to solve this problem? I dont know all of my ex's accounts, I dont know how shes even doing this. I build computers and I program, Ive used some pretty weird and devius programs before, but ive never seen a way to hack two different messenger systems, and two different computers, and take over the messengers and kick the origional user off without leaving a trace. How can I stop this Any Help would be greatly appreciated!!!!!!!!!
  2. TimW

    TimW MajorGeeks Administrator - Jedi Malware Expert Staff Member

  3. TrndAssassin

    TrndAssassin Private E-2

    um the link doesnt work, and i really dont want to have to buy software to fix the problem of a bitch for a ex that hijacks my messenger accounts.
  4. star17

    star17 MajorGeek

  5. star17

    star17 MajorGeek

    Then you should contact the police; what's she's doing is against the law, and perhaps she needs to have that made clear to her.
  6. TimW

    TimW MajorGeeks Administrator - Jedi Malware Expert Staff Member

    Wasn't implying that you buy the software ....just letting you know how she's doing it.

    @Star17 - Thanks for the fix ....don't know why my cut and paste keeps messing up on occasion.
  7. TrndAssassin

    TrndAssassin Private E-2 do i couter something like that so my ex cant mess my world up.
  8. TimW

    TimW MajorGeeks Administrator - Jedi Malware Expert Staff Member

    Try this:
    goto ,get an anonymous IP , set it in your Internet Option settings -->proxy connections . And you are done.You can surf the web with a spoofed IP. Disable Javascripts ,activex in your IE too for being much secure.

    Well , you can automate this process, by using the anonymous proxy softwares , there are lots available.

    But the easiest way is to goto this site and surf the web or also can use or
  9. TrndAssassin

    TrndAssassin Private E-2

    shes out of state , and i really dont want to have to deal with the police...i live in a small town where the police wouldnt bother to do anything about it.
    so is there any way i can stop her from doing this without the cops?
  10. Insomniac

    Insomniac Billy Ray Cyrus #1 Fan

    @TimW, the first link supplied is irrelevant as it only works on the machine it's installed on.

    It doesn't work remotely on another PC (only remote monitoring which in this context is again irrelevant).

    She doesn't have physical access to his PC, and it doesn't allow you to kick people off.

    @TrndAssassin, you will get far more views and replies if you post in the software section.

    Or you can do your own homework with Google.

    There are heaps of sites that specialise in hacking programs and the like for instant messenger programs.
  11. TimW

    TimW MajorGeeks Administrator - Jedi Malware Expert Staff Member

    @Insomniac - just trying to indicate to trrdassasin that there were ways and people out there doing what the ex was doing .....I know that if I log into instant messaging with my daughters acct. it will kick her off ....all one needs is the username and password .....but to know his password when he's changed accounts suggests either an implant on his computer or a hack of messenger ...which can be done ...

    It should be effective to log on through a proxy server and change/set up new account and be anonymous to her thought, yes?

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