Help requested in selecting a hard drive enclosure(multiple drives)

Discussion in 'Hardware' started by True Colors, Aug 17, 2012.

  1. True Colors

    True Colors Private E-2

    I have Windows 7 pro, 64 bit.

    I own several external hard drives. I am interested in purchasing a single enclosure device that can hold(and operate) all of these drives.

    Most of the drives that I am using are Western Digital 3TB with the fast transfer speed(6Gb/Sec). In case you need to see the full specs, here you go

    Now, I do NOT want to implement any type of virtualization technology. I am not looking to set up a RAID or anything like that. I want each hard drive to remain its own individual data, separate from the other drives.

    Preferably, I would like to find something with.....
    - capacity of 8 hard drives
    - eSata connection AND USB 3.0
    - hot swappable

    Thoughts, suggestions, ideas?


  2. True Colors

    True Colors Private E-2

  3. True Colors

    True Colors Private E-2



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