Hey, Y'all!

Discussion in 'Majorgeeks Welcome Center' started by Jannie, Dec 12, 2007.

  1. Jannie

    Jannie Private E-2

    I've been gleaning wisdom from this forum for quite some time now, but have never found the problems I'm having as of late.

    I bought a new computer from Circuit City and I've changed the name of the computer, but it won't change my document file names. For instance, I get /user/ccity...blah, blah as opposed to /user/Jannie. Even when I go to the games installed, i.e., Hearts....I get "East", "West", "North" and "Ccity".

    I've tried creating a new user and all that, but when I do, I lose everything and can't seem to figure out how to transfer documents from one user to the other. Thank goodness for restore points!

    I paid good money for this computer (and had to get Vista...no choice I was told) and I at least want to have my name, not the point of purchase's on it.

    If anyone has a quick, easy fix for it I'll be eternally grateful.

    I've only posted in the joke forum before because I've always found the solution to my problems here....until now.

    I have another question about the firedog screensaver, but I'm not sure if I've posted this question in the right place, much less that one.

    Where's the "banging my head against the wall" smilie??? :confused
  2. wildwolf220

    wildwolf220 Oracle of Doom

    :wave and welcome. post you questions in the SOFTWARE FORUM
    you should get the help you need in there. good luck.
  3. ItsWendy

    ItsWendy MajorGeek

    Hey! A fellow Texican! Welcome aboard!

    Wildwolf is right, the place for these kinda questions is the software forum.

    I have a utility that I use that does what I think you are after, Aloha Bobs PC to PC. It sets the new computer up as if it were the old machine. It is commercial, meaning you have to buy it.
  4. Jannie

    Jannie Private E-2

    Thanks, y'all! I'll C & P over there.

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