
Discussion in 'Majorgeeks Welcome Center' started by ultranothing, Jun 25, 2011.

  1. ultranothing

    ultranothing Private E-2

    I'm Josh,

    I've been a lurker here for quite a while. Thought I'd take the plunge and become a member. A little about me:

    Got my first computer at age 4, a Tandy Color Computer II. Taught myself Basic and was programming quite proficiently for my age.

    Years later, I got a 286 (12MHZ in "turbo" mode :). We've certainly come a long way.) Came with the GEOS operating system - if you've never heard of it, you're not missing much.

    Ran a BBS for a few years (on the 286, with a 40meg HD) and was one of the local ANSi artists, doing ansi/ascii graphics for local boards. Tried and failed to get into ACiD, iCE, and bLEACH, so I started my own called SToRM. We had four artists in the group and we released five artpacks.

    Earned my way into the BBS "underground" and was an "elite" member of several boards.

    Started an online (eBay) business in 2004, selling criminal case files in PDF and hard-copy form, and became the library archivist for The New Criminologist after my work digitizing the 900+ page archive of Aileen Wuornos (of Monster fame) from the Volusia Cty. records bureau.

    Drove a taxi for five years.

    Currently unemployed and planning a motorcycle road trip to California for an agriculture project.

    Pretty exciting stuff, huh? :)

    I'm glad to be here, and hope I can contribute to the community!

    - Josh
  2. augiedoggie

    augiedoggie The Canadian Loon - LocoAugie (R.I.P. 2012)

    Jeez man, quite the resume. Welcome aboard ultranothing!:-D That's a seriously good alias man!roflmao
  3. ultranothing

    ultranothing Private E-2

    "Ultra Nothing" is a gag gift I tried to market years ago. It was an empty box with a cellophane viewing window and some fancy graphics I had printed.

    For the person who has everything! Better than a cool breeze on a hot summer day! Cures the common cold! Greater than GOD! Hotter than HELL!

    Safe! Certain! Sacred! Lasts forever!

  4. augiedoggie

    augiedoggie The Canadian Loon - LocoAugie (R.I.P. 2012)

    Hehehehe, you'll fit right in with the other nutjobs here.;):-D
  5. FED UP

    FED UP MajorGeek

    I remember the old BBS days.
    I ran a BBS at 300 baud with my commodore 64 and 2 1541 floppys. Wrote a modem utility and a simple game in BASIC, released into public domain.
    Man those were the days.
    Enjoy MG !
  6. ultranothing

    ultranothing Private E-2

    heheh, nice. My first modem was a 1200. It was so slow, someone could have typed out the menus in real-time and it would've been faster.

    I used to LOVE going over to my friends house and use his 386/25. He had a 9600bps "screamer" that you could hear all through the house.
  7. Kestrel13!

    Kestrel13! Super Malware Fighter - Major Dilemma Staff Member

    A warm welcome to the forums!

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