Hi All - Can you fix this

Discussion in 'Majorgeeks Welcome Center' started by Poppi, Aug 23, 2006.

  1. Poppi

    Poppi Private E-2

    Hi all you Geeks. Just joining in and getting my feet wet. I do have an interesting problem.

    Have a Dell computer with a 3g processor and 500M of ram. I frequently play cd's and it has started distorting sound when I run more then one program. It had been working fine.

    Using the performance monitor I have found that when I start a second program the pages/sec jumps up to almost max and stays there. Typically it goes down to almost nothing after the program loads. With the pages/sec that high when ever the systems goes to load in more data from the cd there is a delay causing the sound to interupt.

    I have discoved when I stop a function the pages/sec drop to normal and when I close a program (more then three running) the paging drops.

    Even with three or four programs the programs are not using excessive memory which might cause this paging.

    Any ideas???

  2. TimW

    TimW MajorGeeks Administrator - Jedi Malware Expert Staff Member

    Welcome to MG's .....would like to know your system spec's .....as you are reporting 500 mg's of ram .....do you have video using 12mg's? Sounds fishy to me ...If you would ...post in either hardware or software.:) :)

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