Hi all :)

Discussion in 'Majorgeeks Welcome Center' started by marzipanic, Aug 28, 2007.

  1. marzipanic

    marzipanic Private E-2

    Big hi to all!

    I was here before as "Hel" but have been missing for a while, well turns out had a major spyware problem on my pc (and have killed off all my old emails, old forum names, MS name... complete fresh start now it's clean - just incase - better safe than sorry) it just wouldn't go away!

    Thanks to here and my new laptop, I got the programs and info from here and got rid of it *yay* so many thanks to you all:wave, it was a stressful time though:cry

    I am putting Ubuntu on my desktop (Packard Bell iMedia, Windows XP - now spyware free and running nice) & just got an Acer Aspire Laptop running Vista basic - keeping windows on that. Vista is a new experience, the UAC takes some getting used too, I was taught on Win XP & 98.

    Anyway thought I would explain, thank you all and glad to be back! I may not have participated much (and I will probably never be able to do HJT logs, well maybe in about 2020!:eek: lol) but I missed being here. Hope you have a wonderful day all, marzipanic/Helen
  2. BILLMCC66

    BILLMCC66 Bionic Belgian

    HI and welcome back where i am sure you will find some old friends

  3. shanemail

    shanemail Fold On

    Welcome (back) to Major Geeks Helen :major
  4. wildwolf220

    wildwolf220 Oracle of Doom

    hi and welcome back MG's...

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