Hi all

Discussion in 'Majorgeeks Welcome Center' started by bodybag219, Jul 19, 2008.

  1. bodybag219

    bodybag219 Private E-2

    Im bodybag219 and have found my way to these forums due to a malware problem.

    I have had a read through the malware removal guide and will begin the process tomorrow when i have a full day free and clear to "get amongst it'.

    I cant say that i am exactly pc savvy, although i did successfully build a new gaming pc which was a good achievement for me having not grown up on pc's (44yrs olds) :)

    From what i can tell the guide itself seems very comprehensive and hopefully will fix my problem/s. Have also had a look at the maintenance section for use in the clean and near future.

    Just in case i need some further help in this area, cheers and thanks in advance to anyone who helps.

    Regards bodybag
  2. LauraR

    LauraR MajorGeeks Super-Duper Administrator Staff Member

    Hi and welcome

    Sorry to hear about the malware issues. After you have gone through the Read and Run Me, be sure to post your logs in a new thread in the Malware Forum. You want to make sure everything was removed. The experts in there are the best.

    Good luck. :)
  3. bodybag219

    bodybag219 Private E-2

    Thanks for the welcome LauraR
  4. wildwolf220

    wildwolf220 Oracle of Doom

    :wave and welcome to MG's.
  5. bodybag219

    bodybag219 Private E-2

    Thanks wildwolf220, much appreciated.

    Today is the day of removing my malware issue, just back first to see if my pre malware removal question was answered by someone before i begin.

  6. LauraR

    LauraR MajorGeeks Super-Duper Administrator Staff Member

    You will need to be patient in the malware forum. They are very busy and take oldest threads first. So be sure not to bump your thread.

    Did you download SUPERantispyware from MGs? If you did, is it a recent download?
  7. Horsey

    Horsey Sergeant

    @bodybag219: Cool name! :cool

    :wave and welcome to MGs.
  8. bodybag219

    bodybag219 Private E-2

    @LauraR: Thanks for the the tip, however i did read the sticky about bumping and can understand that they would be busy. I will be patient :)


    Thanks for the welcome and the compliment re my name, its the name I use over on Relic forums > Company of Heroes.

  9. Welcome to Major Geeks you will find all the help you need right here:wave
  10. bodybag219

    bodybag219 Private E-2

    Thanks for the welcome muskie's wife

    Your right about the help, have been getting some great help over in the malware section :)


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