hi all

Discussion in 'Majorgeeks Welcome Center' started by Primo, Aug 2, 2009.

  1. Primo

    Primo Private E-2

    heya folks been a silent reader for a while and said why not join.. so here i am just recently unemployed from a retail tech place where i was the head tech and head electronics sales guy. sales tanked so they tanked me. anywho enuf bout me hope i can help when i can
  2. LauraR

    LauraR MajorGeeks Super-Duper Administrator Staff Member

    Welcome to MGs. :)

    Quality, knowledgeable help is always welcome here so jump in where you can.
  3. TeeCee

    TeeCee MajorGeek

    Welcome to MG Primo :wave Great to have you, and what is your specialty?Have a look around. you can post and answer in any of the threads except malware.... Have at it! :-D There are plenty of questions to be answered, for sure, I don't think you will get bored :-D We have fun too. The rest will be around shortly... Welcome!:cool
  4. bigtrucks

    bigtrucks MajorGeek

    Welcome Primo
    I'm sure someone will need some assistants. Thanks for the offer.As TeeCee has already stated The only forum that you can not post but are welcome to read is the malware forum http://forums.majorgeeks.com/forumdisplay.php?f=35 . Our top notch fighters take care of that. Otherwise have a peek around some more and enjoy.
  5. silas

    silas MajorGeek

    Hello and Welcome to Major Geeks :wave Best of the best :grouphug And hopefully job comes your way, many of us I am sure is jobless atm to.
  6. joey off the street

    joey off the street Lounge Lizard No.1

    Hello, Primo. Welcome :wave
    Yeah, getting meltered is a sad fact of life at the minute. Don't know if I'll have a job this time next year, things are pretty slow. It is a constant concern. But not to worry, things can only get better. So the Government said. Liars.
    How kind to offer up your free time for the advancement of us that are technical brain deads :cool Thanks are in order. Enjoy your stay.
  7. hrlow2

    hrlow2 MajorGeek

    And another very warm WELCOME to Major Geeks.
    Hope you can find a place to sit while some of these characters keep you entertained.
  8. wildwolf220

    wildwolf220 Oracle of Doom

    :wave and welcome to MG's..
  9. Welcome to the forum mate - Really sorry to hear about your job hope you find another one soon enough!

    Enjoy the forum mate! See you around!!

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