Hi All

Discussion in 'Majorgeeks Welcome Center' started by ovi1kenobi, Dec 11, 2010.

  1. ovi1kenobi

    ovi1kenobi Private E-2

    Hello Everyone,

    My name is Ovi. I have a problem with my Compaq Laptop. Its very slow. I am trying to rule out malware but the laptop is 7 yrs old so it's been around the world with me.

    Anyway, this is just a test. I don't want to waste anyones time by postig something in the wrong thread. I look forward to being on this site.


  2. Drizzles

    Drizzles First Sergeant

    Hello and welcome to the Major Geeks Forums Ovi1!!

    (Drizzles waves his arms around as if showcasing the forums) :-D

    About your possible Malware problem, try this first.


    If that doesn't work, then you should re-post in the Malware Removal area, but ONLY after doing the above instructions (in the link).

    Good luck, and again, welcome! :major
  3. aatony

    aatony Private E-2

    Welcome aboard ovi! There are fine people here, very intelligent as well as kind and helpful. I'm no geek, though I am enjoying learning bits & pieces from these folks.

    You're obviously polite and considerate of other folks time. I like to watch these MajorGeeks help folks, and especially when the folks being helped are thankful and gracious to the Geeks.


    P.S. How (or to whom), may I report obvious spam!
    Last edited: Dec 12, 2010
  4. dr.moriarty

    dr.moriarty Malware Super Sleuth Staff Member

    Hi, aatony

    * By clicking on the red triangle icon at the top right-hand corner of a post you wish to report, then add your msg in the available pane. The Mods & Admins will then receive a bulletin.

  5. aatony

    aatony Private E-2

    Thanks Dr M.

    I'm having fun just learning a little bit by bit. And now I know how to address that when I see it... What if I am not sure if it is spam? I suppose the admins/mods will be the judge of that... If there are multiple spam' posts, should I report them each, or will one suffice, and the mods will sort it out? Thank you Sir!
  6. dr.moriarty

    dr.moriarty Malware Super Sleuth Staff Member

    You're welcome, aatony.

    If unsure- report it and let the Admins/Mods judge, they will also have the tools to look for mulitple posts.

    *Good to see you active here!

  7. aatony

    aatony Private E-2

    Likewise, thank you, good to see you here as well.

    I very much appreciate you and your colleagues in Malware. You folks work hard at helping others and reading the threads is heartwarming to me. I especially enjoy the folks who are most gracious when receiving your assistance!
    Last edited: Dec 12, 2010

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