Hi and general advice if poss

Discussion in 'Majorgeeks Welcome Center' started by JulesM, Oct 17, 2007.

  1. JulesM

    JulesM Private E-2

    Hallo everyone,
    I have on many occasions found this site extremely useful and friendly for someone like me who is a fairly confident user but nowhere near pro standard - thanks for that so far guys.

    My current (and for me pretty serious) problem is that I desperately need advice in recovering lost Outlook (ie pst) files having re-formatted my hard drive - I thought I'd backed up but apparently I hadn't completely. I have downloaded a programme called iRecover which looks like the full jobbie but I can't understand enough to find the files I need - I have tried but no joy so far as it only brings up current files.

    Not sure where to post / ask / seek help. Any advice most welcome. Thanks in advance, Jules
  2. musksnipe

    musksnipe Guest

    Post this in the software forum and you should get some help... Although if the files are overwritten they may be lost.
    Welcome to MG.
  3. dyamond

    dyamond Imelda Marcos of Majorgeeks

    Welcome to MG's

    Hope you get you problem fixed!! :)
  4. abri

    abri MajorGeek

    Hi JulesM!
    It's rare for records to be completely lost. It just depends on how much money you want to spend recovering it. The company Ontrack can recover most everything.
  5. JulesM

    JulesM Private E-2

    Thanks all for the welcome.

    Abri - thanks for the suggestion. I do have Fix It Utilities 4 (which is Ontrack) but I had the same problem. I didn't know where to start looking as I don't understand partititions etc.

    I will post as suggested in the software forum - thanks again.
  6. shanemail

    shanemail Fold On

    Welome to Major Geeks :major
  7. wildwolf220

    wildwolf220 Oracle of Doom

    :wave and welcome to MG's..
  8. Grumbles

    Grumbles Bamboozled Geek

    Welcome to Major Geeks :wave

    i will follow your post with interest :)
  9. JulesM

    JulesM Private E-2

    Hi Grumbles,
    Thanks for welcome but I don't think there'll be a lot to watch unfortunately. I have posted in the software forum and the one reply I got directed me to Ontrack software which I saw was very expensive so not an option.
    Abri as you said, it can obviously get costly!!
    I may have to live with this but I keep remembering things I now no longer have access to! :cry

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