Hi Everyone

Discussion in 'Majorgeeks Welcome Center' started by dove, Mar 30, 2008.

  1. dove

    dove Private E-2

    I've been signed up here for awhile but have never posted before. I have found a world of helpful information on this site so thank you all for that.
    I am a "geek-in-training" at heart and have managed to network 4 home computers via wired network, and recently got tagged as the Unofficial IT person at my job and acquired the server maintenance duties along with troubleshooting co-workers computer problems. Luckily for me it is a small business with only 6 desktop computers and 4 laptops ranging from Windows 2000 to XP for Operating Systems.
    On the homefront we now have a wireless router with 4 ports in the back that I have hooked up and I have our desktop computers plugged into. We have 1 laptop with a wireless card and I just acquired a handheld with WiFi ability and have been able to use both with the wireless router. I've run into only a few problems and questions and will be searching for help on the other Threads where I'm sure I will find the answers. If not, I am sure I will post again.
    Thanks for having such an informative site here.
  2. wildwolf220

    wildwolf220 Oracle of Doom

    :wave and welcome to MG's..

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