Hi Everyone

Discussion in 'Majorgeeks Welcome Center' started by Yakudle, Jul 19, 2016.

  1. Yakudle

    Yakudle Private E-2

    well i just want to thank all the people that share they tools in the downloads

    sadly am kind of broke and cant donate to the site

    well anyways am dealing with something quite nasty but ill post about it somewhere else
  2. TimW

    TimW MajorGeeks Administrator - Jedi Malware Expert Staff Member

    Welcome to MG's.
  3. Eldon

    Eldon Major Geek Extraordinaire

    Hi and Welcome to MajorGeeks! :)
    You can always recommend MajorGeeks and the Support Forums.
    DavidGP likes this.
  4. Yakudle

    Yakudle Private E-2

    i will thats for sure
  5. DavidGP

    DavidGP MajorGeeks Forum Administrator - Grand Pooh-Bah Staff Member

    Welcome to the forum and its not about needing to give cash if you cannot, we donate time and knowledge and that's worth more than cold hard cash is tech circles IMHO.
    If we can help with tech issues we will.
    Eldon likes this.
  6. Papergirl

    Papergirl Private E-2

    Hi, I am new to Majorgeeks. I came here because I trust the site and will promote it to others as it was promoted to me. I need your help - and I know this is where I can get it. Basic question: how do I start a thread and inquire about a need? Am I only allowed to reply on established threads? Give me a little education here as I checked in with the "Help" option but didn't find instruction. Sorry if I am being stupid - that is not my usual style. :p
  7. Papergirl

    Papergirl Private E-2

    Okay, I am stupid - I just clicked on the Lounge and found a place to post a new thread. Thanks for your patience...
  8. Eldon

    Eldon Major Geek Extraordinaire

    Hi Papergirl, and Welcome to MajorGeeks. :)
    I noticed you have that covered. :p
    Papergirl likes this.
  9. Papergirl

    Papergirl Private E-2

    Yep - I finally figured it out and have been helped today so much. It feels nice to have a clean computer and will run Windows Repair later. It still won't download any Windows updates... Thanks for the warm welcome to one and all! Mimi
  10. Eldon

    Eldon Major Geek Extraordinaire

    Remember to run Tweaking.com - Windows Repair in Safe mode.
    Also, run it twice.
    Papergirl likes this.
  11. Papergirl

    Papergirl Private E-2

    So glad you mentioned this, Eldon - it might tell me that when I start it but good to know. Okay, twice is the way to go to really get the repairs needed? Then twice is the way I'll go... I just want to be able to update Windows without it just running and running and running without ever doing anything - and then I go ahead and stop it - and in a few days, I try it again. I am so tired of dealing with it. Not sure its problem but I have tried only downloading one tiny update of less than 2 MB and it won't even download one at a time. Time to repair!! Thanks - I'll report back. I let the day get away from me as I have to teach tomorrow and needed to prepare but will get it done this weekend for sure!! Mimi

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