Hi from Switzerland

Discussion in 'Majorgeeks Welcome Center' started by kerryh_r, Apr 16, 2008.

  1. kerryh_r

    kerryh_r Private E-2

    Hi all

    I've been a lurker and member for some time, but never posted an introduction, so here goes.

    I'm an english guy of indeterminate age, young at heart I guess. IBM Host developer for around 25 years.
    I'm more of a hobby PCist, and like tinkering around a lot. Based on tips and advice I've picked up here, I've become a bit of a PC guru and fixer for buddies in the ex pat community here.
    I run a variety of PCs, networked either wirelessly, or via Devolo boxes. Still struggling with Devolo. Have them sharing my net connection, but not files both ways, but that's another story.
    Just picked up another PC to add to my collection, and am going to try the Linux route via Ubuntu, so any tips would be gratefully received.
    I basically want to set it up, networked, sharing an internet connection, and use Linux equivalents to surf, chat, cam, email, free office, download, burn, program, etc etc, learn and share.
    Ultimately like to offer my services as a Major Geek guru.

    I look forward to making new friends and acquaintances

  2. wildwolf220

    wildwolf220 Oracle of Doom

    :wave and welcome to MG's.

    switzerland huh LOL

  3. kerryh_r

    kerryh_r Private E-2

    You've been watching too many Orsen Welles films wolf. The Cuckoo Clock comes from the Black Forest across the border in Germany. But thanks for the welcome
  4. wildwolf220

    wildwolf220 Oracle of Doom

    It was just my attempt at a joke Kerry but i stand corrected:)
  5. kerryh_r

    kerryh_r Private E-2

    No problemo. So you Irish, or Irish American?
  6. wildwolf220

    wildwolf220 Oracle of Doom

    born and bred in ireland kerry

  7. shanemail

    shanemail Fold On

    Welcome to Major Geeks :major

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