Hi from the uk

Discussion in 'Majorgeeks Welcome Center' started by mikeart, Sep 22, 2006.

  1. mikeart

    mikeart Private E-2

    Just to say hello, after all the stuff i have downloaded from MG over the past three years i thought it was about time i joined the forum, so hello to you all: ps, any one want some English rain ? we have loads at the moment :rolleyes:
  2. DavidGP

    DavidGP MajorGeeks Forum Administrator - Grand Pooh-Bah Staff Member

    Hi Mike, Welcome and glad you are adding to the british contingent on the forum ;)

    and no you can keep your rain as its still dry up north :)
  3. Toni_1947

    Toni_1947 Command Sergeant Major

    It's a weird world.
    They PRAY for rain in Iowa...droughts are bad here.
    Welcome to the forums!
  4. Bladesofhalo

    Bladesofhalo MajorGeek

    Welcome to MajorGeeks ;)
  5. Ryanizer

    Ryanizer Private E-2

    How about some UK trivia? As you may know, we americans call the part of an automobile that covers the engine the hood. You'all over the pond call it a bonnet, right? So are there any computer words on which we disagree ?
  6. Matacumbie

    Matacumbie Rocky Top

    Welcome to Major Geeks. :)

  7. ItsWendy

    ItsWendy MajorGeek

    When I was staying over the pond *& years ago the average brit didn't know what a cookie (as in the eating kind), but called them biscuits. I'm probably dating myself here. Is this still true?
  8. tunered

    tunered MajorGeek

    Ive got some rain here in Ohio i would like to give away. lol. ed
  9. Ryanizer

    Ryanizer Private E-2

    Bill, I bet Brits know what Buckeyes are if they met someone from OHIO!
  10. DavidGP

    DavidGP MajorGeeks Forum Administrator - Grand Pooh-Bah Staff Member

    Yes it still is Bill to a point, we generalise all of what you call cookies in the USA as buscuits and just call the buscuits that are branded cookies, cookies ( as in the chocolate chip type ), everything else is a buscuit.

    Its like what you call Candy we call Sweets.
  11. Phantom

    Phantom Brigadier Britches

    Yeah, and in Australia, sweets are desert, lollies are sweets, an ice-lolly is an icy-pole, etc. Go figure.:confused:

    [Hi, Mikeart, b.t.w.]
  12. Lev

    Lev MajorGeek

    Welcome to MGs, Mikeart :)

    I'll never forget telling my american husband for the first time about the wings on my car. He thought I was kidding him, but seriously, UK cars have wings!!! Evetually he fathomes what I was on about and said "Ohhhhh...you mean fenders!".

    The other hilarious story was his first visit to the UK. He decided to go down stairs and introduce himself to Emma, in the neighboring apartment. She had no idea he was from America, and in England the name Randy is just not happening! So when he said to her " Hi, I'm Randy" she gave him a really shifty look and blushed deep crimson. Suddenly he remembered what I had told him about how Randy in the UK meant "horny". Emma's boyfriend came outside at about that point, and Randy spent the next few minutes trying to convince him he was not hitting on his girlfriend. Good job he believed Randy, being that her boyfriend was a cop :D

    So Mike, I've lived enough English rain and we have plenty of it over in Oregon in the winter months, so I'll pass on your kind offer ;)
  13. mikeart

    mikeart Private E-2

    Hi, thanks for the replies and sorry for the delay in my reply, the same language and yet it all means different things, as for the cars don't forget we also have "bonnets" on our cars ? know what i mean wink wink : :eek: as for the name RANDY i can see the responce it would have over here lol. a bit like when we say would you like a "fag" :)
  14. Phantom

    Phantom Brigadier Britches

    I thought the "wings" were the front, side panels, as in 'wing mirrors' (on the side). Then again maybe the term has changed, somewhat. No matter. As a citizen of both countries, and living in a third, I always manage to say something out of place, LoL! :confused:

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