Hi Guys

Discussion in 'Majorgeeks Welcome Center' started by mhorham, May 4, 2007.

  1. mhorham

    mhorham Private E-2

    First of all, I want to say thanks. I don't really remember how I first found your site, but over the past couple of years I have found both help and good advice from reading your forums and using the tools that you have made available to those of us who find ourselves in a desperate position. So, Thank You! It's really cool of you all to use your personal time to be so helpful. I would describe myself as a novice geek at the very best, meaning that I have enough sence to leave things alone that I don't understand. But I do have a curious nature and have learned that lesson the hard way a time or two. :) Thank God for the little red boot disk. And secondary storage drives. Hehe. I am happy to report that my 'puter and I get along famously, and it has forgiven me for loaning out my oem XP disk ( which was lost and never returned ... hmmmm. think there's a lesson there? ) by not needing to be formatted. Although I do worry about all the junk in the registry as I'm a junky when it comes to downloading / installing / deleting useless junk that I find on the internet. But I have Sony / Verrant to thank for forcing me to learn how to keep my processes at a minnimum, and keeping up with regular maintainence because EQ is so touchy about keeping 99% of all resources to itself when it is running. Yeah ... I was an EQ junky for a long time. But, that's where i got my start in the wonderful world of PC's and the internet. I was thinking about posting onto the support forums for assistance with my dad's computer, which someone corrupted over the weekend. ( I suspect yahoo or pr0n as the culprit and have no idea who the perpetrator was. ) But in light of the fact that there are MULTIPLE AV programs installed and probably more than one active firewall ( Why do people insist on believing that more is better when it comes to these things? ) I think that I am going to recomend Backing up the files to an external media and a good old-fassioned format / clean install. Though I am concerned of the consequences of doing a standard backup type of compressed file if it so happens that the corruption is somehow imbedded in documents or some such. Meh. I doubt it. Maybe compress pics and what-not and straight coppy documents. I dunno. No need to respond to anything here I'm just thinking "out loud". Anyway, I've been stumbling about the site here for the last couple of days Read Run Me First and what-not trying different spyware and Av tools to locate the problem ( which they haven't ) and thought it would be nice of me to say thankyou for all the effort you all have put into this valuble resource.

    Catch you on the flip-side

  2. musksnipe

    musksnipe Guest

    Nice story, mhorham. That's how most of got here (and I don't remember how I found my way either)rolleyes Just one thing:
    You should only be running one AV at a time.;) Hope to see you around.
  3. Wayne82

    Wayne82 Sergeant Major

    Hi :wave
  4. wildwolf220

    wildwolf220 Oracle of Doom

    hi and welcome to the forums...
  5. shanemail

    shanemail Fold On

    Welcome to Major Geeks :major
  6. JakeD

    JakeD Corporal

    Welcome to MGs ;)

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