Hi, I'm Ardi.

Discussion in 'Majorgeeks Welcome Center' started by Ardi, Oct 13, 2007.

  1. Ardi

    Ardi Private E-2

    I just bought a nice computer a couple of months ago and it is slowing down already. This is what brought me here. So, I wuppose I will wait quietly until I get access to the threads I would be interested in. The site looks cool and has a lot of info, a bit geeky, but hey, what can one expect?
  2. shanemail

    shanemail Fold On

    Welcome to Major Geeks :major

    You already have nearly full access to the site.

    The only thing you cannot do is reply to someone elses thread in the Malware removal forum - only the trained professionals can do that.

    If you believe you have a Malware issue, you have to follow this guide (to the letter)

    Sticky: READ & RUN ME FIRST. Malware Removal Guide

    Good luck, hope to see you around the forums :wave
  3. wildwolf220

    wildwolf220 Oracle of Doom

    :wave and welcome to MG's. hope you enjoy the forums..
  4. Grumbles

    Grumbles Bamboozled Geek

    Hi and welcome Ardi - enjoy the site :)
  5. Ardi

    Ardi Private E-2

    Thank you, everyone!

    It looks like a very a live community support outhere. I already feel better though my computer doesn't yet.:)
  6. Ardi

    Ardi Private E-2

    first question, if I may...


    I find all the information very useful. Some things I knew about, some totally new. It's like: AHA, that's why that is happening. Anyway, I am enjoying it. I am experiencing some dificulties trying to use some of the links on this web site. I keep getting messages like: "Error: 1146 Table 'majorgee_mac.esselbach_st_dlweekly' doesn't exist". What is up with that? Even when I try to go to www.majorgeeks.com, directly, i get a blank page with just one word on it: "test". To get here and post a thread I had to use a link that was sent to me by e-mail by one of the members. Is my computer really sick, or am I loosing my sanity? I know what you are going to say: both!:D
    Please help if you can.

  7. ItsWendy

    ItsWendy MajorGeek

    I got the same thing. Other people have been having different problems, but I suspect there is a hardware glitch in the background, so just try it again in a day or so. One of the owners of this site, Major Attitude, mentioned something about a hard drive possibly dieing. Just goes to show, no one is completely safe.

    Computer slowdowns can be caused by many things, for example, too little RAM. This one has bit me more than once, 128 Meg is not sufficient for XP. Anyhow, you might want to repost this in the hardware or software forums. If you think it is malware related then go for that forum, but they'll still want you to do the basics first.

    Welcome aboard!

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