Hi -me with a quick q.

Discussion in 'Majorgeeks Welcome Center' started by rhcp.r.no-1, Aug 5, 2006.

  1. rhcp.r.no-1

    rhcp.r.no-1 Private E-2

    Hi Everyone, After a lot of personal recommendation; thought I'd sign up. Have to say I've known about m.g. for ages but considered it way too knowledgeable for me :) !I'm always in a state of distraction/confusion.
    My quick q. is:- is there an easy way to rid my poor pc of AOL's auto-loading stuff I don't want? i.e Seems to kick in with a spyware checker and I think that's what may be causing the reason why my Mcafee anti-virus won't update. Also, viewpoint media player is deleted from the add/remove but every time I have to go into AOL pages (which is as rarely as I can make it) v.m.p returns :(
    Or have I just the whole thing wrong and should start again? Thanks in advance if any of this makes sense to anyone
  2. Major Attitude

    Major Attitude Co-Owner MajorGeeks.Com Staff Member

    Try CCleaner. Go to tools, startup and remove anything AOL. Nothing by AOL is needed in startup as you can click the desktop icon to start it up. It also is a VERY safe drive cleaner to remove garbage files and a registry cleaner, again very safe.


    Welcome to the forums and thanks for being a regular visitor. Were here to help people who need it, so hopefully others will see this and find out there is nothing to be afraid of. Actually, people like yourself usually have more basic questions and since those answers are easier to the average geek, you will usually get a speedy reply. :)
  3. rhcp.r.no-1

    rhcp.r.no-1 Private E-2

    Thanks M.A. for your reply + welcome:)
    CCleaner has been a trusty friend on my pc for about 2 yrs now. I'll re-look/re-check my start up though as I connect via a dialler in the system tray (notification area) in order to avoid those awful zingy-celeb. pages in AOL! (In case you're wondering; yes, I am on b/band but I don't like to auto connect). Actually when I had a peek earlier today my network connections looks to be in a complete mess as there's things disabled or not connected in there that (I think) should be. I recall when we changed our isp earlier this year I had problems connecting as it was 'throwing up' a previous prog. from former isp that had caused all the initial problems and a pal did a bit wizardry for me. If that makes sense....I'm hopeless at using the correct terminology, sorry.
    b4n + thanks again.

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