Hi. My name is Tom.

Discussion in 'Majorgeeks Welcome Center' started by tnc007, Nov 3, 2006.

  1. tnc007

    tnc007 Private E-2

    Hi. My name is Tom. I'm hoping there is someone out there that can help me. I built my PC about a year ago and made a "Fatal Error". I'm running Windows XP Home. I installed a 250GB HD which, being from the old school, I thought it would take forever to defrag so I partitioned it. My mistake was thinking I would only load the "OS" on "C" Drive and nothing else, so I allotted only 10GBs to "C" and 30GBs to D-E-F-G-and H drives for all Games and Programs.
    Now a year later I have only 800MBs free on "C" and I'm worried that It may be affecting page swapping for gaming. I have a ton of games, programs and family pics on all the other partitions and will hate to FOMAT the HD.
    I need to know if I could simply in "MY COMPUTER" DRAG DRIVE "D" ONTO DRIVE "C" THERE BY
    MAKING "C" 40GBs. Will the OS still work??? And will I gain the added free space from "D" drive??? Would I have to RENAME the other drives to keep order??? Would the OS automaticly rename the DVD and CDROM drives???
    I would apprecciate any help or warnings you might have.

  2. Bladesofhalo

    Bladesofhalo MajorGeek

    Welcome to MajorGeeks :)
    It might be possible, and it wont affect any other partitons, and yes, you will gain the added space. I use Norton PartitonMagic (unfortunately) and it works great. But I dont have much xp in partitoning, so Ill let someone else handle it.
  3. tnc007

    tnc007 Private E-2

    Thanks Bladesofhalo for the info. I'm still a little worried to screw something up so I'm going to wait for more acknowledgement and confidence before I do anything drastic.
    Thanks again.
  4. Jazagod

    Jazagod Command Sergeant Major

    I also, know its possible, but not my deparrtment, It's late, someone will be with you soon...
    Welcome to Majorgeeks:D
  5. tnc007

    tnc007 Private E-2

    Thanks for caring Jazagod. My fingers are crossed....

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