Hi there, everyone!

Discussion in 'Majorgeeks Welcome Center' started by Mayan820, Jun 12, 2009.

  1. Mayan820

    Mayan820 Private E-2

    Hi there, everyone
    I have been using a desktop computer for approx. 3 years to date, but my actual knowledge of personal computers, in general, is more than shocking, so if you don't mind, I will be on this forum to ask, learn, ask, learn . . . I think you can get my drift.
    Pretty much the only reason, I believe that I have not had a computer crash down, yet, is because I use Auslogics BoostSpeed 4.2 on my PC, to keep it clean, and, of course, NOD 32 Antivirus and Anti Spyware to keep all the nasties out. I am also a partner in South Africa of the ESET company. These two latter programs are really exceptional.
    I ask the people of this forum to please be patient with me, especially when I ask stupid questions, in your eyes, like . . . what is a drive, or a port or things like these. I want to learn all these computer things from people who will be willing to help me, rather than people who will just laugh at me . . . I truly believe the people on this forum are of the former group.
    Well, this was just to say hi to everyone . . . thank you for welcoming me on this forum. I appreciate it so very much! You will soon hear from me again.
    Respectfully yours,
    Mayan Viljoen.:wave
  2. LauraR

    LauraR MajorGeeks Super-Duper Administrator Staff Member

    Hello and welcome to MGs. :)

    No question is stupid. Ask away...
  3. wildwolf220

    wildwolf220 Oracle of Doom

    :wave and welcome to MG's..
  4. TeeCee

    TeeCee MajorGeek

    Welcome Mayan820 , :wave You just ask away, and we will help in any way we can... Personally, I never heard a "stupid question" in my life... I don't think there is such a thing! You have Questions? We have Answers! ;)
  5. abz1nthe

    abz1nthe Command Sergeant Major

    Welcome to MG's no question is a dumb question.. ask away!! :)
  6. bigtrucks

    bigtrucks MajorGeek

    :hyperHello Mayan and welcome to the best forums around. If you have a look around and check out the different threads, and I encourage you to do so;), you may find a question posted by someone that you wanted to ask but thought, as we sometimes do:-orolleyes, it was dumb.I personally learn from asking and from making mistakes.(and I'm still"making them" so therefore I'm still learning) You will also find that you have some answers for others but not in the computer field. And if you do know or think you do, don't hesitate to reply please.
    So enjoy the place and we'll be seeing you around:wave
  7. joey off the street

    joey off the street Lounge Lizard No.1

    Welcome, Mayan :wave I think you are being far too hard on yourself. We all started somewhere. How ya gonna learn if you don't ask a question? All questions should be treated with respect. Except for maybe "Hey, Mr. Lector, you wanna come in and have something to eat?" :)
  8. mammadukes3

    mammadukes3 Private E-2

    Don't feel bad about not knowing to much about computer i too have not the greatest knowledge of the wonders of the computers but i try anyway I'm great at e-mails,facebook just checking everyday stuff I wish i knew half the stuff everyone on here knows sometimes i feel like a real dummy cause i don't know what i'm doing or where to go to look at different sites just to explore more and see other things out there then what i do. Welcome to this site maybe we both will learn alot of everyone here

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