hi there!

Discussion in 'Majorgeeks Welcome Center' started by minitrkn420, Apr 22, 2008.

  1. minitrkn420

    minitrkn420 Private E-2

    hello every 1 :wave. thanks for having me here. I was recommended by a friend to come here to exchange knowledge about pc info. Im currently suffering a pc problem that i belive is a pc highjacker. I downloaded the TM hijackthis but im un sure about what to fix and what not to. sorry to be postin problems on the first post, but perhaps thats what draws people into the fourm world. advice, help, fun and friends :p

    thanks for havin me in here and i hope my to meet many people along the way :dancer

  2. minitrkn420

    minitrkn420 Private E-2

    how would i go about posting a log file or the info needed to analize my stuff?


  3. wildwolf220

    wildwolf220 Oracle of Doom

    :wave and welcome to MG's..
  4. shanemail

    shanemail Fold On

    Welcome to Major Geeks :major

    If you follow Kestrel's guidance the Malware removal experts will get you sorted as soon as possible

    Good luck :)
  5. minitrkn420

    minitrkn420 Private E-2

    thanks alot guys/gals. ill get to working on that and post it in the correct section once ready.

    btw, shane i like ur kitty avatar hehehe.

  6. wahla

    wahla Private E-2

    is anyone there for me to ask a question?
  7. minitrkn420

    minitrkn420 Private E-2

    hey bud. just make a new thread under the new members section


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