
Discussion in 'Majorgeeks Welcome Center' started by ladyraven, Jul 22, 2008.

  1. ladyraven

    ladyraven Private E-2

    I am new here. I came a few weeks ago when my computer was dying. A friend recommended this site. I was not able to save the computer, I am a newbie and it was way beyond my ability at this time to repair. However, the man who worked with me, for HOURS< was so kind, knowlegable and helpful, we almost fixed it and it was my fault not his! This site is awesome and the people are so kind and giving of their time. I want to thank you all!
    A friend lent me a new computer, I cannot fix the one I have... HP Pavillion 741n , now have Dell Inspiron Slim with AMD ... I am trying to move files, pics etc. The device I bought is not being recognized. Does anyone know a inexpensive place I can store my stuff online for a month, so, I can transfer it to the new computer and then try to reformat the old one and see if it can be fixed. Thanks for everything
  2. Hello and welcome you can find alot of help here enjoy
  3. Fred_G

    Fred_G Heat packin' geek

    Welcome to MajorGeeks! What kind of file size do you need to store? If it is around 4 to 8GB, I would get a USB flash drive. If it is a lot more, maybe a USB hard drive.

  4. wildwolf220

    wildwolf220 Oracle of Doom

    :wave and welcome to MG's..
  5. Horsey

    Horsey Sergeant

    :wave ladyraven

    Welcome to Major Geeks :)
  6. ladyraven

    ladyraven Private E-2

    Thanks to all of you for the warm welcome! :)

    I have to store about 5-6 Gig. I am going to buy another flash drive the two I have are not being recognized.
    Funds are limited , I saw one at Walmart by Scan, 4 Gig for 12 Dollars, I wonder if this will work?
  7. ladyraven

    ladyraven Private E-2

    Thanks everyone for the warm welcome. This is an awesome site and everyone is so nice and helpful... well at least all the people I have met! :)

    Sometimes they are talking way over my head! I am disabled and the computer is my life. I teach myself everything. The X took car of the computers before he left... he did not trust anyone to work on them... or watch, so , we learned pretty much nada! :-D

    So, if I seem a bit slow at time, I am not dumb... LOL, just on a learning curve! And I seem to be a virus magnet and trojan magnet. Even at home, I seemed to be the only one that could bring down the computer...:eek: and I do not even watch porn like the X and the boys do , so, why was my computer always trashed... LOL
    Ok, enough for now! Have a great day
    Have major problem we have been working on for 3 weeks and I am ready to give up.. I have to just find an online storage where I can upload my pictures, music, bookmarks and files... about 5 gig! And then I can worry about the old computer a friend is letting me have one of her extra's.
    So, peace out and have a great day!
    I am going to post what my spyware info just said in another place...

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