
Discussion in 'Majorgeeks Welcome Center' started by 97greenZJ, Jul 23, 2008.

  1. 97greenZJ

    97greenZJ Private E-2

    hi, everyone. jus testing my ability to post.
  2. paramonks

    paramonks Corporal

    Hi, :wave to you 97greenZJ

    Your testing post was successful. Welcome to Major Geeks.:)

  3. wildwolf220

    wildwolf220 Oracle of Doom

    :wave and welcome to MG's

    You passed. A+;)
  4. Horsey

    Horsey Sergeant

    :wave 97greenZJ

    Welcome to Major Geeks!
  5. DavidGP

    DavidGP MajorGeeks Forum Administrator - Grand Pooh-Bah Staff Member

    Hi and welcome

    You may notice that you cannot reply to someone elses thread in the malware forum, this is normal and by design. The Malware forum is special in that you have to be an authorised user to post into this section, or a very capable user in removing malware*.

    Reason we changed the policy of anyone replying to malware questions was that it became a mess/confusing when multiple users posted their advice and a fair amount of it was wrong and could have made matters worse. Which is why as you will agree its best to have continuity in helping someone remove malware from their PC.

    You can however start your own new thread in malware if you have a malware issue and only you and authroised posters can reply.

    All other forum areas are ok to post and reply in however we do insist that if you have a similar issue to someone else you do start your own thread on your issue as its only fair to the original poster in that thread as the replies are geared to them and their issue.

    *Is determined by our resident specialist Chaslang and after a series of tests to judge your skills, so if your competent in malware removals and would like to join the malware team do let us know.

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