
Discussion in 'Majorgeeks Welcome Center' started by kwerty, Sep 20, 2008.

  1. kwerty

    kwerty Private E-2

    Hi. This is my first ever Majorgeeks post. To be honest, I'm really nervous right now. But it seems that this forum has a friendly environment. [crossed fingers]

    So where to start? Let me introduce myself first. I'm a 5th year Computer Engineering student in the Philippines. A large amount of my time is spent on the net. I recently had a problem with my pc and I stumbled upon this forum. Viewed some of the posts here and I must say, it is really helpful.

    Looking forward to my next post. That's it for now.
  2. Doc13%

    Doc13% aka Kestrel13! aka Emms

    Welcome to Majorgeeks Kwerty :wave

    You have come to the right place, a very friendly forum with a great atmosphere and top notch tech advice
  3. kwerty

    kwerty Private E-2

    Wow. That was fast. It took less than ten minutes for someone to reply to my post. A very friendly forum with a great atmosphere:DEFINITELY. Top notch tech advice:NO DOUBT.
  4. wildwolf220

    wildwolf220 Oracle of Doom

    :wave kwerty and welcome to MG's..
  5. DavidGP

    DavidGP MajorGeeks Forum Administrator - Grand Pooh-Bah Staff Member

    Hi Kwerty

    I think you will find that you will get to like this forum as I feel its right up your street, for a computing student, so have fun and enjoy, also if you can answer any tech questions then please do jump right in.
  6. LI_Geek_95

    LI_Geek_95 Post-and-Run Geek

    'Sup kwerty!
    I hope you will find everything helpful around here. I am very good at system recovery in Windows and Linux, just to talk about myself a bit.
    PS- @halo: Im proofreading it right now! You should get it within 10 minutes!!!
  7. prijikn

    prijikn Private E-2

    I am new here and I have just join this forum. I am priji from India. Hope that my stay will be happy and i wish have nice day to all.
  8. Doc13%

    Doc13% aka Kestrel13! aka Emms

    Hi prijikn :wave A warm welcome to majorgeeks

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