
Discussion in 'Majorgeeks Welcome Center' started by johnspill, Jun 21, 2010.

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  1. johnspill

    johnspill Private E-2

    Hello, I'm new here.
    I need help.
    Now, if i may?:confused
  2. silas

    silas MajorGeek

    Hello and welcome :wave What do you need help on? There are sections Software, Malware, Hardware.
  3. johnspill

    johnspill Private E-2

    Nice to meet you. My son graduated PSU. Yes, i signed up for avira personal anti viral. I ended up here. Am i in the right place? I have a terrible virus.
  4. silas

    silas MajorGeek

    If you are infected I suggest going to the Malware section of forums this link is to the "read and run" part of the Malware section. http://forums.majorgeeks.com/showthread.php?t=35407 After clicking this link, run all scans and post all logs they ask of you in the Malware section of forums. From there give them some time to get to you. :)
  5. johnspill

    johnspill Private E-2

    Well i went to that complicated website. I TRIED MY COMPUTER AGAIN TODAY AND IT IS STILL INFECTED.
  6. TimW

    TimW MajorGeeks Administrator - Jedi Malware Expert Staff Member

    If you performed the steps in the READ & RUN ME FIRST. Malware Removal Guide
    Then you would start a thread in the Malware removal forum and attach the requested logs so that someone can assist you with removing the malware.
  7. silas

    silas MajorGeek

    You need to do the cleaning procedure in the link TimW provided(big bolded words saying Read and Run Malware. Also you need to do the Vista cleaning procedures on your machine (since you said it was vista). You need to save all scans it ask you to save them. You need to install/run them in order and post the logs. If you can not run some programs then keep going on to the next program. Even if a program shows clean/nothing they should still see it. Another thing is we are not there to help you or see what you see. So maybe give some info on why you cant run or what is the issue? Also if you are scanning and still infected its cause the Malware people need to view your logs(from the scans) and "they" will give you instructions. They give instructions and no normal person can. That is why they are the ones that do this and not normal people like us.

    Did you get to save all programs in proper spots?
    Did you install/run all programs?
    If not what programs didnt run and what happen?
  8. johnspill

    johnspill Private E-2

    I HAVE A VIRUus and i went to a link on here to fix it and it is not fixed. can you help me?
  9. TimW

    TimW MajorGeeks Administrator - Jedi Malware Expert Staff Member

    We are trying to help you by telling you exactly what you need to do. We have no crystal balls. You have to do the Read and Run First instructions and then start a thread in the Malware forum with your logs.

    No one can make it clearer than that.
  10. silas

    silas MajorGeek

    We need answers to the questions. We know you are infected. Some infections give you redirects. You go hotmail it can send you to porn site then your not able to see the instructions of cleaning procedures but you have no mention that you are having this issue. If you are you need to save the scanning programs on something and upload them on your infected computer and run them

    Now Iam going to help but you need to follow the instructions on the actual page to do the cleaning procedures. What I am going to do is give you direct links to the actual download page of each program you need to download. You need to click them and save each program after going to each link I give you here.

    First is SuperAntiSpyware - http://www.majorgeeks.com/downloadget.php?id=5116&file=15&evp=4b877f10ddee47cecae8038a2f67054e This link is to the actual download of this program. Once you click it a thing should come up asking you to save the file. Click yes and save it to your desktop.

    Next is MalwareBytes AntiMalware - http://www.majorgeeks.com/downloadget.php?id=5756&file=9&evp=693ee0b20204960edfd909666f809b26
    Click this link its the actual download link to the program. Once you click it, it will go to the site. Once there it will ask you to save it. Click yes and save it to your desktop.

    Next is ComboFix You need to go to this link http://forums.majorgeeks.com/showthread.php?t=139681 THEN scroll down till you see in Step 1 combofix.exe In big bold letters. Click that word combofix.exe that is bolded. It will open a thing and ask you to save it? Click yes and MAKE sure you save combofix to your desktop. Combofix needs to be saved on desktop Just like the other 2 programs above.

    Next is RootRepeal - http://sites.google.com/site/rootrepeal/RootRepeal.zip?attredirects=0 Go to this link it will open a webpage and on this page should say. Google Sites download attachment. Click HERE to download your attachment. You need to click the "HERE" part on that site. It will ask you to save, click yes and save it to your desktop.

    Next is MGTools - You need to go to this http://forums.majorgeeks.com/showthread.php?t=139681 Once you click it go to it. Scroll down till you see MGtools In big bold color wording. Its the bottom of step 1. Click MGtool word. It will ask you do you want to save it? Click yes AND MAKE SURE YOU SAVE IT TO the C: drive. DO not save on desktop like the others. SO click yes save it then a window will come up saying where to save it. At the top box will say something, with an arrow pointing down to the right of it. Click that arrow pointed down, and click Local Disc C: and THEN SAVED in the bottom right.

    Now what I just gave you are direct links/sites to each program you need to go to each one I gave you and save each program to where I asked you to. Once done saving them you need to go here. http://forums.majorgeeks.com/showthread.php?t=139681 (its the vista cleaning procedures) And and read and do what it ask. Step 1 is downloading all programs and where to save them(but I just gave you up above) the links/sites to the actual saving part. SO if you did as I asked up above you can skip step 1 and go to step 2.. In step 2 is how to run/install each program. You have to do those. After installing/running each program in order. save the logs at the end and upload the logs onto malware section of forums here. For the malware people will give you directions on what you need to do to clean the computer.
  11. TeeCee

    TeeCee MajorGeek

    Hello, johnspill , both TimW and Silas have posted what to do. Silas has even posted links and directions. Follow his information in the post below me. You can do it if you try . You need to follow the instructions ;)
  12. Mimsy

    Mimsy Superior Imperial Queen of the MG Games Forum

    Are you having Jerry Macguire flashbacks too? "Help me help you. Help me help you!" LOL

    Hi and welcome johnspill! :wave

    The malware fighters here have no ability to simply remote log in to your computer and fix things that way, that's why TimW gave you that link and Silas posted the instructions and download links he did. What they can and will do is give you detailed instructions on how to clean the virus infections from your computer. Once you have those instructions, you need to follow them to the letter, and reply to their post with all the information they asked you for. Thing is, they need the logs from the programs Silas gave you links to before they can put the instructions together. Every case is different, and they need to see your logs so they can put together the best procedure possible for your specific computer and infection.

    If you're able to do that, and you don't mind being patient while you wait for them to get back to you, the malware fighters here at MGs are easily among the very best ones you can find. And they won't charge you $400 for the service.
  13. Major Attitude

    Major Attitude Co-Owner MajorGeeks.Com Staff Member

    Guy is a bit overwhelmed, I am assisting him by email to point him in the right direction.
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