Hijacked by safeiepage

Discussion in 'Majorgeeks Welcome Center' started by ehurt2, Oct 25, 2006.

  1. ehurt2

    ehurt2 Private E-2

    This is my first post ever on a forum so if there is information I should have included and I didn't please let me know. I have been hijacked by some type of trojan/spyware or virus. I started in safe mode and disabled system restore. Then I ran many spyware, antivirus and trojan removal programs but nothing has worked. I am using XP Pro sp2 OS. Here is my
    hijack log. Thank you for any help you can give me.

    Attached Files:

  2. Bladesofhalo

    Bladesofhalo MajorGeek

  3. ehurt2

    ehurt2 Private E-2

    Sorry about that. You wouldn't happen to know any books, articles or webcast that could give me information on how to analyse a hijack log or the registry. I am very interested in learning how to read the tons of information they provide, so I can do it myself. Thanks for your response.
  4. abri

    abri MajorGeek

    Welcome !
    Many people here want to know all those things which could make a person invulnerable to the hijackers, spammers and general serial computer killers out there, however, until your current crisis is taken care of, it might be fastest to go through the "Read and Run Me First" and then come back to learn all that remains to be learned. The "Read & Run Me First" file in the Malware Thread that BladesofHalo sent you towards may look daunting at first glance, but it's incredibly well written and characteristic of this website as a whole.
    Nice to see you. :)
  5. Bladesofhalo

    Bladesofhalo MajorGeek

    Although I dont recommend using HijackThis if your not experienced with it, theres a tutorial available here. Best do the Read and Run and let our experts help you.

    From the link:

    HijackThis should only be used if your browser or computer is still having problems after running Spybot or another Spyware/Hijacker remover. HijackThis is an advanced tool, and therefore requires advanced knowledge about Windows and operating systems in general. If you delete items that it shows, without knowing what they are, it can lead to other problems such as your Internet no longer working or problems with running Windows itself. You should also attempt to clean the Spyware/Hijacker/Trojan with all other methods before using HijackThis. If you allow HijackThis to remove entries before another removal tool scans your computer, the files from the Hijacker/Spyware will still be left on your computer and future removal tools will not be able to find them.

    If you do not have advanced knowledge about computers you should NOT fix entries using HijackThis without consulting an expert on using this program. If you have already run Spybot - S&D and Ad-Aware and are still having problems, then please continue with this tutorial and post a HijackThis log in our HijackThis forum, including details about your problem, and we will advise you on what to fix.
    Last edited: Oct 26, 2006

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