hlep identify these cables.

Discussion in 'Hardware' started by taz55, Feb 12, 2006.

  1. taz55

    taz55 Private First Class

    ok so i got a ultra x-connect and they sent me a bunch of cables, two of wich im not sure what to do with. one of them i think is for the xeon chipset. it has 12 small square holes 6 of witch has metal connectors it has a snap on top and a little plasitic notch sticking out from the bottom.

    the other looks like the connectors for th power to the mother board one side is 4pin like for the p/4 mother boards and looks like it but the other is and eight pin of the same connector. any ideas as to what this may be.
  2. ASUS

    ASUS MajorGeek

  3. taz55

    taz55 Private First Class

    i saw that too. one of those on the list the xeon is on i think i have but the other isnt even on the site and ive never seen anything like it.
  4. Steeev

    Steeev Corporal

    I too have an XConnect PSU.
    Unless you have a Xeon, you will not need the 6pin cable.
    You will probably need the 4pin ATX power cable (Small square connector) and the 20 pin power cable (unless your mobo has a 24 pin power connector, in which case you'll need a special cable.
    The other cables are up to you.. Some of the y-cables are there to link up more than one device (for example PSU to HDD and CD ROM)
    It takes some thought and planning to get it looking neat, but it's worth it in the end.
    What are your specs? What mobo, CPU etc?
  5. taz55

    taz55 Private First Class

    im in the middle of building it but i have

    1. ultra wizard case w/350w power supply
    2. ecs 9151p-a motherboard
    3. p4 640 3.2ghz@800mhz fsb 2mb cache
    4. gigabyte geforce 6200 pci-xpress16 256mb
    5. seagate 160 gig sata
    6. pioner 16*16 dvd\cd writer
    7. masscool cpu fan cooler.
    8. memory ? but im thinking about ddr2 4200 two gig.
    9. xp-pro and maybe ubuntu linux.,
  6. Steeev

    Steeev Corporal

    You can forget the Xeon cable then. And fortunately the newer XConnects come with SATA cables - the older ones didn't.
    there should be a lot more cables in the box than you'll need for your system... i think it's going to look pretty cool when it's all done..
    What colour PSU did you go for?
  7. taz55

    taz55 Private First Class

    its aluminum polished. looks kinda like chrome

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