How do I get hd dvds to play on my windows xp OS?

Discussion in 'Software' started by volumeone0686, Nov 14, 2007.

  1. volumeone0686

    volumeone0686 Corporal

    I have searched and no questions reguarding this.

    When I had vista, it ran my hd movies just fine.

    With xp my hd dvd drive reads the dvds just fine, windows sees them as dvds and of course runs them.

    But, when I pop say a hd dvd (king kong) or patch adams. It doesn't show any movie, anydvd says it's scanning my movie but nothing pops up. I just want to see what my movie looks like on my new 1900x1200 (1080P) pc monitor lol

    My specs :

    Xp is 32bit
    Ram 2 gbs
    GPU 8800, so hd output shouldn't be a problem.
    Processor e6850
    Dvd Drive , HD Drive

    Im hoping if I can download an update it can read hd dvd movies. Thank you for your time.
  2. Clark_Kent

    Clark_Kent MajorGeek

    Do you have the Codec install to play the hd dvd movies ???
  3. Adrynalyne

    Adrynalyne Guest

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