How do you burn a file to CD that is bigger than 700 mb

Discussion in 'Hardware' started by Jdban, Apr 25, 2005.

  1. Jdban

    Jdban Corporal

    I know there is some way to do this, but I cant find it anywhere.
    I have been looking for 3 days.
    Could someone please tell me, or send me a link?

  2. Anon-068c403e2d

    Anon-068c403e2d Anonymized

  3. Anon-068c403e2d

    Anon-068c403e2d Anonymized

    Most CD-R media is either 650MB or 700MB. The burning starts from the centre of the CD and works its way out but stops before the physical edge of the CD.
    Overburning, is burning past the limitations and onto the edge of the CD, this can result in slightly higher capacity storage. Overburning has also been known to damage drives and cause bad recordings.
  4. N5638J

    N5638J Guest

    has this or has this not been posted befor :?
  5. master mayostick

    master mayostick Private E-2

    its simple mate buy 800mb CD's lol :p
  6. mcadam

    mcadam Major Amnesia

    ....and they're common in shops, spent ages trying to find them and can't.

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