How much critical is PowerOff Retract Count?

Discussion in 'Hardware' started by laacagoia, Apr 9, 2011.

  1. laacagoia

    laacagoia Private E-2

    I have 4 HDD (2 SATA2 and 2 PATA), the 2 SATA2 SMART Flag have all SMART flag ok but now in a few days PowerOff Retract Count increase (now it is 10 and 17) even the Vista don't start in the right way or after a crash (it is Vista!!!)... Can you say me something about it?
    Best Regards
  2. DavidGP

    DavidGP MajorGeeks Forum Administrator - Grand Pooh-Bah Staff Member


    The PowerOff Retract Count is more a informational thing over a predictor of doom for a HDD, as its more a count of the drive powering down and this can happen due to the power saving settings, if idle the drive will power down.

    If Vista doesn't start the right way, what symptoms are you getting as to starting the right way as in where in the boot process does Windows get? do you get any errors and if so what? can you boot into Safe Mode ok?

    If you crash then what are the errors as in if a BSOD then follow this as written HERE or if a general crash in Event Viewer (likely in System or Application logs) look for a red X error at the exact time of the crash and copy the message into a notepad file and attach as per HERE

    What Service Pack is your Vista at?
    What wattage is your PSU?

    If you unhook one HDD (just pull the power connection) does your PC crash or not boot?
  3. laacagoia

    laacagoia Private E-2

    First Thanks for you interest to my problem.
    My Vista crash sometimes in random mode, sometimes when I see a particular (not other) flash movie, and at bootstrap time the Vista run a white bar before the logo, other time the white bar run as infinite loop (I think some problem with driver (Realtek audio) and I must reset.
    I'm using Service Pack 2 patched.
    My PSU is Enermax Liberty 620W.
    My crash is come very random, for one month all go ok and then for two day I see a few Crash but always without BSoD, rebbot and all go fine...
    If after a crash I reboot and enter in safe mode all go ok, return in normal mode and all go fine until the new round of trouble.
    In log Hardware Event I haven't message.
    Best Regards
  4. laacagoia

    laacagoia Private E-2

    Excuse me, now I can send to you a log file of scan (scanned with HIJACKThis) maybe usefull to you for understand my problem (if it is).
    I haven'found anything that seam to a problem...
    Best Regards

    Attached Files:

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