How Remove All Microsoft & Google Software, Forever! Had Enough!!!

Discussion in 'Software' started by Toa Dy, Jul 31, 2020.

  1. Toa Dy

    Toa Dy Private E-2

    Wouldn't it be great to start a list of every alternative there is to improve one's internet hygiene from all the "free" (spyware) services by big tech companies that have proven they are not to be trusted anymore, forever? Is it possible to go 100% open-source and still be productive these days?

    If one has been living in a cave, and not paying attention to the world these days... I'm sure you are happy with all your "free" services, but I've had enough of ALL google and Microsoft products, forever. Haven't you? Will never again, never forget, never forgive... nor use any Micosoft OS, software or service in my lifetime.. or use any google OS, software or service.

    How to Remove Google From Your Life
    (strange, where are the similar links re Microsoft ?????
    How to Remove Facebook from Your Life

    Already upgraded to Linux Mint, use Open Office, got rid of all my google and Microsoft based email and other online services. What else is there? Still use Mac OS, and know that isn't 100% Microsoft or google-free, but anything to help limit both would be much appreciated.

    No longer using any email, browser or other internet services that are Microsoft or Google related. These alternatives are easy to find. eg instead of skype, instead of google-drive or onedrive, etc.).

    Any other suggestions would be great.

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