How to avoid logging on as an administrator

Discussion in 'Software' started by kjhansen56, Apr 15, 2009.

  1. kjhansen56

    kjhansen56 Corporal

    I'm working with a public computer that automatically logs the first person to boot it up as the administrator. This means the first person has to be the administrator so they can log off and log back on as a patron. Is there any way to change the boot so it automatically logs on as the patron?
  2. kjhansen56

    kjhansen56 Corporal

    Is this a registry change issue?
  3. studiot

    studiot MajorGeek

    Public computer? Who is the system administrator & why can't they set this?

    Operating system?
  4. kjhansen56

    kjhansen56 Corporal

    Well, it's not me, but in any case, they don't know how. The previous administrator died unexpectedly. OS is Windows 2000.
  5. foogoo

    foogoo Major "foogoo" Geek

    Double-click the Users icon in Control Panel, and choose the Users tab.
    Turn on the Users must enter a user name and password to use this computer option, and click Ok.
  6. kjhansen56

    kjhansen56 Corporal

    That lets us put in the Patron as a user, but Patron is already there as a user. We can log off the Administrator and log on as Patron, no problem. The problem is that the computer boots every time as Administrator, automatically putting in the password. The "log-in as" screen is grayed out (i.e, doesn't respond to any input), and just boots up in admin mode. We want it to boot as Patron or giving the user the choice as to what they log in as. The Administrator isn't there every day and doesn't want other users to have administrator access when they start the computer... which they do. Right now the Administrator is just trusting the users to log off the Administrator and log back on as Patron. That works until somebody doesn't do it and starts fooling around inside the system....
  7. studiot

    studiot MajorGeek

    Exactly. Somebody already fooled around to get W2K to logon directly. You are right it is a registry issue, I will look it up.

    Is this a stand alone PC?
  8. kjhansen56

    kjhansen56 Corporal

    There is another PC that uses the same wireless network, but they don't talk to or see each other (on purpose).
  9. studiot

    studiot MajorGeek

    Before we look at the registry,

    is there a .bat or .cmd file in the following location and does the location exist?

    If this Windows was updated from W98


    If this Windows was installed as 2k or NT


    Any script file pointed to by this location will be executed at boot and could perform the automatic logon you are describing.

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