how to edit post?

Discussion in 'Majorgeeks Welcome Center' started by smurph, Oct 17, 2007.

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  1. smurph

    smurph Specialist

    I'm sure that I have asked this before.....I posted this morning and edited it. Now when I visit post to re-edit, the edit button isn't shown, and it is not available in the 3 drop down how do I edit my post????

    Why isn't there a forum to ask questions on use of this site?
  2. shanemail

    shanemail Fold On

    As far as I know posts can only be edited within half an hour of them being originally posted.
    As people will hopefully be responding to previous posts this make perfect sense as it helps to avoid confusion.

    Any questions on site usage should most likely be submitted in the lounge or the welcome center if they are not mentioned in Using MajorGeeks and the forums
  3. smurph

    smurph Specialist

    Thanks, yes it must have been the 1/2 hour rule.
    This is daft in my opinion, posts (especially unanswered ones) may still need to be corrected/added to!!!!
  4. shanemail

    shanemail Fold On

    If you need to make a correction to a post you can do so by making another post and mentioning that it is a correction.

    The reason you do not have infinate time allowances for editing of posts is to avoid confusion.

    For example if post editing was unlimited by time:

    You could submit a post stating that:

    "The sky is blue and the earth is an oblate spheroid."

    Someone may respond to that post with a post of their own which may read:

    "You are absolutely right, I agree with you whole-heartedly."

    The next day you could come back and change your initial post to read:

    "The sky is falling and the earth is made of Tofu."

    The end result of this could potentially be total chaos and possibly even the end of the universe as we know it :)
  5. smurph

    smurph Specialist

    Thanks shanemail, understood!
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