How to format a Clickfree USB Hard Drive

Discussion in 'Hardware' started by Estam, Jan 17, 2011.

  1. Estam

    Estam Private E-2

    My O/S is WinXP/SP2 and I have been given a 500gb Clickfree Portable Backup device. Unfortunately I have no use for a backup system but I do have a need to have a hard drive that I can store movies on and plug the Clickfree's USB into the front of my new DVD player and play a selected movie.

    My problem is reading about this device haven't found anyone that can explain how to achieve this. Any help would be really appreciated .......Dave
  2. plodr

    plodr Major Geek Super Extraordinaire

    I don't think it is possible and the company will not help you do this.

    Here is a thread from 2009, read post #6 about a CDFS partition.

    One thing you could try but if it fails, the clickfree won't be of any use to anyone. At least now, someone could use it to backup. Maybe you can sell it and use the money toward a drive that is more useful to you.
    Run a linux live CD. They usually include formatting tools. Format using those.
  3. KRende

    KRende Private E-2

    Try using DISKPART by typing in the following commands:

    LIST DISK (remember the drive number, say X)
    FORMAT FS=NTFS (format took a couple hours)

    Then I went to Computer Management and disabled the Clickfree device, rebooted, went back to Computer Management and enabled the Clickfree device. The drive came online without the CDFS partition mapped to a separate drive. Looks and acts like a normal USB drive now.
  4. KRende

    KRende Private E-2

    Correction...while I was doing the DISKPART commands I was watching the partitions in Computer Management...but I actually disabled the device in the Control Panel, rebooted (which I don't think is really necessary), and re-enabled the Clickfree in the control panel.
  5. KRende

    KRende Private E-2

    I took the Clickfree drive to work and connected it to my Windows XP computer, and the small Clickfree drive has to be disabled on the computer it is attached to in Computer Management. Unfortunately, when the Clickfree drive is first connected to a computer and accessed, it copies files to the useable partition which I end up re-deleting each time.

    To deactivate the small Clickfree DVD/CD-Rom drive:

    go to "Computer Management" (in XP it's via "All Programs", "Accessories", "Administrative Tools")
    select "Disk Management"
    right-click on the small Clickfree DVD/CD-Rom drive
    select "Properties"
    select the "Hardware" tab
    select the "Clickfree DVD/CD-Rom drive"
    click "Properties"
    go to "Device Usage"
    select "Do not use this device (disable)"

    Again, you have to do this for each computer you connect it to if you don't want to see that little mapped Clickfree DVD/CD-Rom drive.

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