How To Mount In Dosbox

Discussion in 'Software' started by Hair of red, Apr 5, 2018.

  1. Hair of red

    Hair of red Private First Class

    I have Dosbox 0.74 and having a hard time trying to mount a game. The game is in my D: drive.

    When I start up and go to Dosbox prompt Z:\> I type in the command Mount C D:\dosprogs\
    I then get a message: Directory d:\dosprogs doesn't exist.

    Actually it's the directory that doesn't exist.

    I try changing the directory with the cd command and get the same message. The directory has to be mounted first.

    I type mount c d:\
    Drive c is mounted as local directory d:\

    When the directory is finally mounted as d:\
    I still get the same message typing mount c d:\dosprogs\
    Directory d:\dosprogs\ doesn't exist.

    Has anybody have the same problem and know the steps to get it mounted?
  2. GermanOne

    GermanOne Guest

    That's confusing. If d:\dosprogs really doesn't exist then it's clear that you can't mount it.
    Please run the batch script in the attached zip file. It creates a text file on your desktop and opens it in notepad. Copy the entire text and paste it to your next reply...


    Attached Files:

    Last edited by a moderator: Apr 5, 2018
  3. Hair of red

    Hair of red Private First Class

    Thank you for your prompt reply.

    Where can I find the batch script you need so I can paste it?
  4. GermanOne

    GermanOne Guest

    My previous post has the attached that you need to download. This zip file contains the batch script. So unpack the zip file, run the batch script via double click, wait until notepad opens, mark and copy the entire text.
  5. Hair of red

    Hair of red Private First Class

    I'm sorry I can extract the file but can't open it to paste & copy. Is there another way I can get the information you need?
  6. GermanOne

    GermanOne Guest

    No need to open it. I know the content of the script because I wrote it. I need the output of the script as I already wrote above. Just follow step by step.
    Sorry, can't wait hours for your reply. It's 2 AM here and not even 5 hours left before I have to get up again...
  7. Hair of red

    Hair of red Private First Class

    Sorry, have a good nights rest, what's left of it.
  8. Hair of red

    Hair of red Private First Class

    I have attached two files. I hope one will be what you are looking for.

    Attached Files:

  9. GermanOne

    GermanOne Guest

    It shows one thing pretty clear that is, you don't even have a drive D: on your computer.
  10. Hair of red

    Hair of red Private First Class

    Your file may not show a D: drive but I can assure you that there is a D: drive.
  11. GermanOne

    GermanOne Guest

    Is it a CD drive and was the disk in when you executed the script?
  12. Hair of red

    Hair of red Private First Class

    It is a DWD drive and there must have been a disk in the drive. To make sure I'll try it again and send you the new file.
  13. GermanOne

    GermanOne Guest

    DVD drive?
  14. Hair of red

    Hair of red Private First Class

    No, DWD.

    The attached file is the recent file that shows the file. Originally it was taken from a file that was on my desktop. That's why it didn't show uo.

    Attached Files:

  15. Hair of red

    Hair of red Private First Class

    I now see the difference. It is a DVD file that was read from a DWD drive.
  16. GermanOne

    GermanOne Guest

    Okay now we get a result. But the only directory I see is the "DOSBox-0.74" directory. No "dosprogs" directory. Where is your "dosprogs" folder if it isn't on drive D:?
    And what is a DWD drive? Not even google can find something about it.
  17. Hair of red

    Hair of red Private First Class

    Okay now we get a result. But the only directory I see is the "DOSBox-0.74" directory. No "dosprogs" directory. Where is your "dosprogs" folder if it isn't on drive D:?

    That is the whole problem. How can I mount something that isn't there?

    And what is a DWD drive? Not even google can find something about it.
    That is the drive that opens up to insert the disk. Maybe in this case it's not called a drive?
  18. GermanOne

    GermanOne Guest

    This is not possible at all. What do you try to do? Running DosBox from disk, mount the drive and then change the disk in drive D: to insert the disk with your game? That won't work!
    Either copy "DOSBox-0.74" to another local drive or do it with your game.
  19. Hair of red

    Hair of red Private First Class

    Thanks for the tip. I'm going to install Dosbox with the game. That seems like the best way to get the game mounted. Give me a day or so to try that out.
  20. GermanOne

    GermanOne Guest

    Bit by bit, little by little ...
    I recomment you to copy the "DOSBox-0.74" folder to the local C: drive. That way you can reuse it for whatever disk you have in your D: drive.
    If you followed my suggestion the only thing you need to do is inserting the disk with your game, running DOSBox, type
    mount c d:\dosprogs\ -type cdrom
    behind the Z:\> prompt, hit Enter, then type
    and hit Enter again.
    Now you should be able to run your game from within the DosBox window. Maybe you need to navigate to the folder with the .exe file using the cd command beforehand...
  21. GermanOne

    GermanOne Guest

    Um, sorry the DOSBoxWiki reads
    mount c d:\dosprogs\ -t cdrom
  22. Hair of red

    Hair of red Private First Class

    I'm sorry for the delay in getting back to you. I'm having a problem with my Water Well and don't have the time to work on my computer. I'll be busy for at least the weekend. I hope I can get back to you Monday.

    Have a good weekend.
  23. GermanOne

    GermanOne Guest

    Having fresh water is for sure the most important ever. Hope you can fix the issues. Good luck!
  24. Hair of red

    Hair of red Private First Class

    Thank you for your concerns. I have a back hoe machine coming in next week to dig a trench. I had to clear an area of bricks where they are going to dig. The machine would have destroyed the bricks.

    I'm sorry to say that with all your work and effort, I found that Dosbox stinks. The few games that I attempted to run were rejected for one reason or another. I am so mad that I deleted the site and don't want to waste any more of my time and especially yours.

    Thanks for your effort and time wasted.

  25. GermanOne

    GermanOne Guest

    I'm not a gamer. But we have DOSBox running at work in order to keep an old industrial inkjet printer alive that is controlled by an outdated 16 bit graphical interface. That's the reason why I have some experiences with DOSBox. I'm positive that we would have brought the game up and running.
    But as I said it's by far more important that you'll bring the water running again :)

  26. Hair of red

    Hair of red Private First Class

    It was very annoying for me. Dosbox is supposed to run old games. Two of the games I ran stated that the game dos not run in Dos, that I have to run the game in Microsoft Windows. My very old game that needs Dos without Windows running in the background, even gave me a problem. It needed a file that needed my OK to install. I clicked yes and it came back, file not installed. That's when I called it quits.

    Everything was deleted. When I cool down and try it one more time, will it be alright with you to help me get those games running?

  27. GermanOne

    GermanOne Guest

    Sure. I like challenges :)
  28. Eldon

    Eldon Major Geek Extraordinaire

    I'm not questioning you, I'm just curious.
    When last did you run these DOS games?
  29. Hair of red

    Hair of red Private First Class

    Some games I was able to install on WinXP, Win7 and Win10 with no problems. Some were able to install but wouldn't run. The other games that I'm trying to run in Dosbox haven't been run in a very long time, at least five years or more.

    Dosbox should be able to run the games that I installed but didn't run on Windows.
  30. Eldon

    Eldon Major Geek Extraordinaire

    They were not DOS games.

    All are not lost...
    I found a great alternative to running DOSBox - D-Fend Reloaded.

    I downloaded and installed it, found a DOS game, dragged the ZIP archive into the window of D-Fend Reloaded, clicked Run... and there I was playing a crappy DOS game. :rolleyes: (I'm not suggesting your games are crappy... :p)

    Here's more instructions.

    Have fun! :)
  31. Hair of red

    Hair of red Private First Class

    Hi GermanOne,

    I reinstalled Dosbox and trying to get it working again.
    I still didn't have any luck with your directions. That was for running the games one at a time in the CD drive.

    I went to Dosbox's web site and found a way to create a file to keep all my games in one place. This is the steps that I did:

    First I made a file that I called oldgames to put in my C drive.
    I put a game I called arthur in that file.

    At the Z prompt I typed mount c c:\oldgames
    That came up as drive c is mounted c:\oldgames\

    At the z prompt typed c:

    At the c: prompt typed cd arthur
    At the c:\arthur prompt typed dir
    that came up with the directory that's attached.

    When I typed install.exe

    What do I do now?


    Attached Files:

  32. Eldon

    Eldon Major Geek Extraordinaire

    Did you even look at post #30?
    Sorry if it wasn't any help...
  33. Hair of red

    Hair of red Private First Class

    If that is true that Dosbox will only play games in Dos, I've been misled. I only have one game in Dos. It's not worth it to get D fend.

    My one Dos game was not a crappy game. It had live actors "Tex Murphy" and is an adventure game.
  34. Hair of red

    Hair of red Private First Class

    It looks like its under the impression that Dosbox will only run Dos games. I don't think that is true. I have old games, The Tex Murphy series that run on both Dos and Windows. I couldn't play those games for a long time until I found STEAM who had copies of Tex Murphy Series that could play on present day machines.

    I bought the series and they worked out great. When I open one of the games the Dosbox Logan first comes on before the game is installed. That proves to me that Windows games CAN be played on Windows within Dosbox.

    If STEAM got Doxbox to play Dos games on Windows I hope that someone from MajorGeeks can figure out how they do it especially GermanOne who has experience with Dosbox. If I get Dosbox to work, I can play the games that install on Windows but won't open.
  35. GermanOne

    GermanOne Guest

    Sorry I was on a 2 days seminary ...

    Before we start again I'd like you to keep in mind that we are unable to look at your desktop and we are also unable to know what your fingers are doing on your keyboard, that we don't know what hardware and Windows version you use, that we don't know what games you're talking about, etc. ... There is no crystal ball for guesses. The only source for informations that the volunteers in a forum have is you. Remember how long it took to tease out that you wanted to run DOSBox and your game from a DVD drive and from the same drive but from different disks. So please give some background information beforehand.

    What I read in you latest posts is that one of your games is "Tex Murphy". Godd news is that DOSBox supports this game. See:

    What I also read now is that you want to run an installer. Not sure if that is the way it will work. DOSBox emulates the environment of DOS but it's still not DOS. No idea what libraries of DOS an installer may need that don't belong to the game. But to be honest it sounds to me rather like a patched game that already runs on Windows.
    dr.moriarty and Eldon like this.
  36. Eldon

    Eldon Major Geek Extraordinaire

    I agree.
    Many DOS games have been ported to/re-written for Windows.
  37. Hair of red

    Hair of red Private First Class

    I'm sorry that I was so incomplete with my information. Give me a little time to gather the information needed. I'll try to be better next time.
  38. Hair of red

    Hair of red Private First Class

    I have a link on my desktop ULTRAVNC where one computer can see another to work on.
    I forgot how to open it. They ask for a VNC Server: (host:display or host: :port) to connect to. I forgot what to enter. Do you have a computer that I can enter?

    Here are some of the games that I would like to play in Dosbox.
    1 Shivers one and two by Sierra
    2 Phantasmagoria by Sierra
    3 Arthur's knights by Dreamcatcher
    4 Nightlong by Dreamcatcher
    5 Rama by Sierra

    Let me know if there is something else you need.
  39. GermanOne

    GermanOne Guest

    No, sorry.

    Do you remember from where you downloaded at least one of them? I'd like to do some tests.
  40. Hair of red

    Hair of red Private First Class

    They were all uninstalled to free up memory. I'll have to re-download one of the games and post it in my next post.
  41. Hair of red

    Hair of red Private First Class

    These are two of the games I'm trying to run in Dosbox. The Rama game tries to install to Windows but goes to Windows desktop. Puzzle of flesh just won't attempt to install.

    Attached Files:

  42. GermanOne

    GermanOne Guest

    Please tell me where you found the download in the internet.
  43. plodr

    plodr Major Geek Super Extraordinaire

    baklogic likes this.
  44. Hair of red

    Hair of red Private First Class

    Thank you Plodr for the link to old Sierra games. There are some old games that I haven't played in ages. I never knew about this link that will keep me busy for awhile.

    Thanks again. This is just what I need to play some of my old games on Dosbox.
  45. Hair of red

    Hair of red Private First Class

    I downloaded two of my Windows format games to DosBox and everything is working perfectly. Plodr, you saved the day with your Sierra link. The beauty of the link is they have a complete list of many games. I will have to try my first game I had on my first computer, Sierra's Kings Quest. It will be good going back to the good old days.

    Thanks a Million to all MajorGeeks that helped me get here.

    baklogic likes this.
  46. Hair of red

    Hair of red Private First Class

    Germanone, In post #42 you asked where I got the downloads from the Internet. They are not downloads. They are files I copied from the games disks.You can use them to make tests if you want to experiment with them. I don't need them anymore for Dosbox. I got them from the link Plodr sent me.They have other games besides Sierra.
    baklogic likes this.
  47. plodr

    plodr Major Geek Super Extraordinaire

    Glad you got it working.
  48. GermanOne

    GermanOne Guest

    Haha, no thanks. I really thought you downloaded them somewhere. And the reason why I asked was only because I was going to help you to get them running. As I said I'm not a gamer hence I have no use for them. Good to hear you found an easier way though.

  49. Cency

    Cency Private E-2

    Hey all you have to do is Drag and Drop the EXE file that starts the came onto the DosBox icon on your desktop or in File Explorer or manager...That's all you have to do....Dosbox opens and runs it without you having to put in any commands. Some games need to be Setup before you can play the game look in the directory where the game files are and if you see a file called INSTALL or SETUP....Drop that file into Dosbox first, usually after the setup is done you get a prompt where you can type in the name of the EXE file that starts the game ....if not then exit dosbox and drop the EXE file into dosbox and your good to go. There is a help file in the Dosbox directory with all the commands and how to use them if your into typing commands. Dosbox is a Dos emulator that creates virtual machines which means you can install MS DOS and Windows 1.0 to Windows 98.
  50. plodr

    plodr Major Geek Super Extraordinaire

    This was solved over a month ago.

    Read the thread
    so dragging and dropping the exe was not the solution.

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