How To Play Flash Exe In 2021

Discussion in 'Software' started by cornflakes, Feb 22, 2021.

  1. cornflakes

    cornflakes Corporal

    So I know that Adobe's flash was dropped. I know how to play swf files using things like adobe's content debugger, or bluemaxima's flashpoint or using some flash emulator like Ruffle.

    What I don't know yet is how to play an exe (software/program) file that requires flash.
    For example, some cd's software like educational and storytelling all used to use flash to load. So now when I want to load the program, I can't because I get the flash notice that it's no longer supported.

    Does anyone know how to play / load a cd (or if you copy it onto PC then it is an .exe file you have to load and not from the cd)?
    FlaStorm32 likes this.
  2. cornflakes

    cornflakes Corporal


    I'm confused about how Adobe Flash works.
    I know they dropped it and you can't play flash files anymore (well, there are work arounds).

    But what I don't understand is even if you disconnect from the internet, how did they block all flash software like e-learning cds
    from loading anymore? In other words, even when not connected to the net, if I load a e-learning cd software and try to start it up
    flash no longer works. Why wouldn't it? How did Adobe know that I was loading a cd software? If I was able to use the cd software for years before with no problems and one day they decided to end flash but I'm not connected to the net, never installed some kind of "kill file" to disable all cds and softwares, how did they disable my cd from loading??

    I even deleted flash entirely from my system and yet when I try to load a software/cd it still tells me this cd/flash is adobe flash player version 32 (the
    latest one probably from 2020) yet the CD / software is made in 2010 or 2013.

    It's creepy.

    It's like they somehow injected a kill command to every software, cd, game, program, even if you weren't online. Usually if something online is discontinued
    or ended, you can still use it offline / remotely / manually.

    It's like if cassette players were discontinued and made obsolete due to CDs, they somehow made your home cassette player non-functional anymore and when you push the play button all stereo/radio/cassette players will no longer work. How the hell did they do that?

    We all know that cassette players are no longer continued or made or supported. But that doesn't mean that if you have a cassette player still with a cassette, that you can't pop it into the player and press "play" and listen to music or the contents of the tape. We can still use cassette players and use the tapes today!
  3. cornflakes

    cornflakes Corporal

    got a suggestion that it might actually be due to a windows update. That would actually make a lot of sense! Now how to find which windows update it is that prevents flash from working offline.
  4. cornflakes

    cornflakes Corporal

    Update: I tested it on a netbook I had not updated for over a year. Flash works 100% fine on it.
    So it has to do with some sort of update that must've been installed in everyone's computers
    without knowing they were installing something that was going to block flash from now on.
    FlaStorm32 likes this.
  5. harmless

    harmless Staff Sergeant

    from what i remember reading, adobe, itself, put in end of life cutoff in the last few flash updates.
    so one needs an older version of flash to keep using it past the cutoff date.
  6. plodr

    plodr Major Geek Super Extraordinaire

    MS is removing flash. For those who chose to keep this vulnerable item on the computers. No browsers support flash and will not allow you to install it.

    So if you want to keep it, you'll have to never update. If you decide to go this route, then do not put the computer on the internet. You will be vulnerable because you are using an unpatched OS and software (flash) that is unpatched. You'll also be using an old, unpatched browser.

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