how to program the F keys?

Discussion in 'Hardware' started by justagirl82, Jan 9, 2005.

  1. justagirl82

    justagirl82 Private E-2

    I don't know if you can do this, but I want to program a key to perform the CTRL-END function for me with only pressing one button instead of having to press two. Can you program any of the F keys to perform this action???

  2. tigerray00

    tigerray00 Specialist

    What does CTRL-END do? If it takes you to the end of a document just press END.:)

    I'm sure there are way to change key functions, but you have to be careful what you change.
  3. justagirl82

    justagirl82 Private E-2

    Pressing END only takes you to the end of the line you are on. Pressing CTRL-END takes you to the end of the entire document/page. I know you can use the Sticky Keys feature but then if you try to scroll down the page with the roller on the mouse it messes with the size of the text on the webpage. (don't know if all mouses do that, but on mine if you hold CTRL down and roll the roller one way it makes text bigger - the other way makes it smaller). I'm using the Sticky Keys thing right now - just having to remember to not use the mouse roller thing.
  4. justagirl82

    justagirl82 Private E-2


    Okay, I disabled the Sticky Keys and tried pressing END on the webpage and it does take you to the absolute end of the page... I thought it didn't (it doesn't in documents...). Doh! Now if I had a brain...
  5. tigerray00

    tigerray00 Specialist

    This must be a changed feature in win xp. I have win 98 and when I push end and CTRL-END they do the same thing.:)

    Sorry I couldn't help you.:(

    Hang in there someone will be in here that can help you though.:cool:
  6. tigerray00

    tigerray00 Specialist

    Don't worry things like this get even the best of us.;)

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