How well do you know the States?

Discussion in 'The Lounge' started by DavidGP, Dec 14, 2004.

  1. DavidGP

    DavidGP MajorGeeks Forum Administrator - Grand Pooh-Bah Staff Member

    dude111 likes this.
  2. Ocelot

    Ocelot Private First Class

    I did bad! :(

    Score: 70%
    Avg Error: 243 Miles (!)
    Time: 367 Secs

    Maybe because I rushed it a bit....
  3. aLLiKZar

    aLLiKZar It's not too late to back out!

    Score - 88%
    Miles - 31
    Time - 179 sec
  4. Kodo


    ack.. I can't believe I did that bad.. I used to pwn geography..

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  5. animatorStrike

    animatorStrike <a href="">Rid

    Well, I guess it isn't so bad...

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  6. Turcoloco

    Turcoloco MajorGeek

    I wish it was a flat map and damn those tiny north eastern states... :rolleyes:

    All I gotta say is thank god it wasn't a world map!
  7. suesman

    suesman First Sergeant

    Not too shabby.

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  8. flyers

    flyers Private E-2

    i did ok, could have done better, but my mouse went off my pad.

    20 miles
    270 sec.
    dude111 likes this.
  9. Turcoloco

    Turcoloco MajorGeek

    Yes, I could have done better too because my trackball was slippery and I kept clicking on the wrong spots, then I clicked on a wrong link on that page and I had spyware installed all over the system, then pause the game and go thru Chaslang's 'Read this First' Instruction and disinfect my system....yes, that is why my score was worse than it could have been.... :p
  10. Farbib

    Farbib Corporal

    Damn you guys are good. I missed 13 of the first 18. I kept missing and laughing...
  11. Ciz

    Ciz Corporal

    Having never really learned where the states where, I didnt do that bad...

    100 miles
    326 sec
    dude111 likes this.
  12. MrPewty

    MrPewty MajorGeek

    Man, I gotta take some geography lessons...

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  13. chompas

    chompas Private E-2

    Damn, yes u need some lessons, im argentinian and i make 64% with an avg of 270 miles, not too bad for being an 18 year old guy from the other side of the continent
  14. bjgarrick

    bjgarrick MajorGeeks Admin - Malware Expert

    just surfing other parts of the forum other than spyware and viruses, pretty cool test here..didnt do too bad lol

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  15. mcadam

    mcadam Major Amnesia

    we now know why i didn't take geography!
  16. ICeMaN

    ICeMaN Master Sergeant

    I screwed up Nebraska, South Dakota and Arkansas. Other than that I think I did pretty good :D

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  17. Pflugerjohn

    Pflugerjohn Private First Class

    Did okay, considering I was WAY off on Wyoming because it was the first one I had to place...

  18. dude111

    dude111 Private E-2

    I got 74% .. Pretty goot I think :)

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