Howdy From Texas

Discussion in 'Majorgeeks Welcome Center' started by Diva-wit_a_Attitude_TK, Aug 1, 2006.

  1. Howdy yall. Haven't been online a whole lot in several months. Used to enjoy sitting here and reading the different articles in the forums. This is a great sight, with wonderful information. Just wanted to shout, Howdy...:)

    When possible, Would like to talk to somebody who might know about Flooders or what might be related to a possessed email service! **chuckles** seriously, I get over 180,000 before noon! I've tried several things, found threads of worms, virus's etc, moved what I could. something is still going on, and nobody has been able to help me locate it, nor any program that I've used in the past.

    :confused: I search the different " geek" forums, read books, all that in any and every attempt to resolve problems, before getting online and asking somebody. But, nothing else is working, so I hope perhaps there's someone who might know a bit about these things.
  2. TimW

    TimW MajorGeeks Administrator - Jedi Malware Expert Staff Member

  3. Thanks a heap!

    Been reading there all day, as well as other various forums.
    Seems to be taking forever to download the recommended programs
    from the area of "read first" thing that Major Attitude, I believe it
    is, posted. Some really fascinating stuff in all these areas.
    :eek: Makes ones head swim with so much wonderful information!

    PS, Thanks for the message back. appreciated lots.:D
  4. TimW

    TimW MajorGeeks Administrator - Jedi Malware Expert Staff Member

    Not a problem ...when you finish with the read and run first ...after the scans and downloads, post the scan results in the malware section and the good people there will help you rid yourself of all the junk.:) :)
  5. I have a problem. When I try to execute the Windows Defender, it gives me errors. The system it's downloaded to, is WindowsXP. It says it has a "VB" error. Is there a similar program I can try. Also, I didn't mean to do anything wrong, by signing on, with 2 similar names. I wasn't sure if I could download on one pc, while reading and and printing on another, so I logged in on both pcs. I didn't know if a ghost could download or not. If I did anything wrong, I am sorry.
  6. Hey, I didn't mean to do anything wrong on a thread in the forum, by posting a thought. If this was wrong, please forgive me. Don't know really who to contact, or how to post anyone, to ask if I did something wrong, so I will just ask questions here. Again, I don't know if I did something wrong, but if I did, I'm sorry.:confused:

    I also wanted to whoever made that file, "read this first" that that's some of the best information I've ever got my hands on, to help fixing
    pc problems. I have all but one of the pc's completely fixed just by trying to do what all was on there.

    I had one program that would not execute, because of some strange error, and I came accross a program on another page, and I decided to try the program, It found what the other scans were missing. And so I got that one finally up to par, using that, and following all the rest of the instructions yall had.

    This is a great place to find answers, and I hope I haven't bothered any of yall too much yet. I'm new to this, and so, please forgive me when and if I make mistakes on here. Sofor that, I'm sorry.

  7. ItsWendy

    ItsWendy MajorGeek

    Welcome aboard!

    I do believe you've come to the right place.

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