Howdy! Just taking time to introduce myself...

Discussion in 'Majorgeeks Welcome Center' started by ladyharley99, Jun 20, 2009.

  1. ladyharley99

    ladyharley99 Private First Class

    I have a thread started in Malware .... & because I rushed in here the other day to try to get help... I didn't take time to introduce myself...

    So, while I'm waiting for the results, I just thought I'd drop by & say 'hi'... Hello! :-D

    I go by Lady Harley99 (or LH) & I do a lot of blogging & recently have been working on doing websites from scratch (HTML)... It's basic stuff right now.

    I'm also an author, yet to be published... I enjoy creative writing & also helping others with their computer questions. Meaning learning how to work with a program or site or something...

    I am tech savvy... but I am not as good as they are here on this forum... That is why I've come to them for help.

    When trying to figure out how to rid my laptop of the virus, I happened across MajorGeeks by chance. After reading some of the threads... I figured this was not only a safe... but also a very knowledgeable place to get help.

    So, that's the short of my long story. Hope you enjoyed...
    I'd post a link to my blog... but I don't want to be accused of spamming... so, I'll search later to see if I can add it somewhere in the User Control Panel (UCP)

    Thanks for your time & Have a GREAT day! :cool
  2. hrlow2

    hrlow2 MajorGeek

    Welcome to Major Geeks, LH.
    You'll enjoy the sometimes laid back styles some of us have.
    You might try your link in the Lounge section and see how it flies.
  3. bigtrucks

    bigtrucks MajorGeek

    Well Hey There LH and welcome to the best darn forums around.
    While you wait for the removal process have a look around . You'll find there is more then just computer talk going on around here. Who knows you may even be able to help someone out with other issues.
    Good luck on your book. If you don't mind me asking what's it about and is this your first.? I'm sure you're gonna like it here. So enjoy and I'll see ya around.;)
  4. ladyharley99

    ladyharley99 Private First Class

    I don't mind at all :)

    I actually have 3 books in the works at the moment... NONE of them finished (that's just me!) They're all actually part of a series... The best way I can describe it is mystery, suspense, fun... Kind of like a Hallmark Movie Channel type of book. They will have Christian undertones to it... more subtle than anything. (Mentions of church activities & a few prayers said & etc.)

    The thing is... I went to start the one... & forgot about it... then found a "challenge" in November to write / start a novel ... & had to do 50,000 words in a month. Only thing was it had to be something that was not already in progress... So, I started the 2nd book in the series... (& I made the goal, but the book is not finished!!)

    Then I went to Arizona this past April to visit with my dad & kept saying I'd work on my book while on the planes... well... wouldn't ya know it... I had an idea for the 3rd installment!! LOL

    But it's only a couple pages... not like the 2nd one.

    I really need to get at them & get something done!!

    Ok... I've bored ya all long enough... Thanks for the welcome! :cool

    P.S. These 3 are sort of my 1st... I have scraps of stories that could be books around... Just would need to find them.

    But again... not yet published!! :-o
  5. TeeCee

    TeeCee MajorGeek

    Welcome LH :wave Glad to have ya! Plenty around to keep ya busy, for sure :-D

    I hope to see some of your books sometime! Sounds like some very interesting reading... Will check for your link too.

    Thanks! Enjoy yourself while you are here... ;)
  6. joey off the street

    joey off the street Lounge Lizard No.1

    Welcome to the MajorGeeks forums, Lady Harley. :wave

    Love your handwriting. Very impressive! ;)
    I too am an author.....of sorts. I wrote a limerick once. :-D

    Seriously, I love a good read. Give me a book and I'm like a pig in sh.....manure.
    Hang around a while and you'll get to enjoy the forums and the members that frequent them.
    Rumour has it that JK Rowling got a lot of inspiration for her HP characters from MajorGeeks. All the baddies, that is. :-D
    I vehemently deny that I wrote that last sentence while I was sober.

    Good luck with your malware issues. You've landed in the right place to address them. And best of luck on getting your trilogy published.
  7. wildwolf220

    wildwolf220 Oracle of Doom

    :wave and welcome to MG's..

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