Hp 250g4/5 Usb2 Differences. Any Ideas?

Discussion in 'Hardware' started by AstroTim, Jul 1, 2020.

  1. AstroTim

    AstroTim Private E-2

    I have a HP250 G4 W10 Home, and HP250 G5 W10Pro. When i plug in a Pinnacle Dazzle HD video capture device into the G4 it is found and works no problem. On the G5 it doesnt work. The difference is shown in Device Manager. On the G5 pro the device is recognized as two devices 1) Audio inputs and outputs, 2)Other devices - Dazzle Video Capture USB Audio Device - ( ! driver not found). The G4 just shows it as a Line Audio device (and video capture works).

    If there a problem with USB hardware on the HP 250G5, how could I diagnose this? Thanks.
  2. plodr

    plodr Major Geek Super Extraordinaire

    From the reviews I read, some say it doesn't work in Windows 10 despite it being listed. I'd say consider yourself fortunate that you can get it to work on one Windows 10 computer.

    It might also be due to the different GPUs in the computers.
    G4 = AMD Radeon R5 M330 (2GB DDR3) 222
    G5 = Intel HD Graphics 5500 236
  3. AstroTim

    AstroTim Private E-2

    Thank you plodr for this insight. I was assured by Pinnacle that the HD version works in W10 provided the whole software suite is installed, which to be honest i dont want to do. (There was also a patch for W10). When i find the software (its in warehouse somewhere), i'll feed back a comment when its installed on the G5. Will it then work or not.... As it stands i will count myself lucky.
  4. AstroTim

    AstroTim Private E-2

    I found my licensed Pinnacle software and yes, you can install just the driver from the DVD - so now the capture device is working on the G5 aswell !! - for the record.
    Onwards and upwards..
  5. plodr

    plodr Major Geek Super Extraordinaire

    I'm glad you got it working!

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